Viešumas ir lygiateisiškumas viešosios teisės sutartyse

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Viešumas ir lygiateisiškumas viešosios teisės sutartyse
Alternative Title:
Publicity and equality in public law contracts
In the Journal:
Teisė. 2013, t. 87, p. 152-166
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio tyrimo objektas – lygiateisiškumo ir viešumo principų įtaka viešojoje teisėje naudojamam sutartiniam reguliavimui. Straipsnyje aptariamos problemos, su kuriomis susiduriama nacionalinės viešosios teisės srityje naudojant sutartimis grįstą reguliavimą. Lygiateisiškumo ir teisės viešumo principų veikimas tiriamas bendro pobūdžio ir individualaus reguliavimo aspektais. Straipsniu siekiama nustatyti gaires, kuriomis būtų galima remtis taikant ir reglamentuojant sutartinį reguliavimą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Viešumas; Lygiateisiškumas; Viešoji teisė; Equality; Publicity; Public law.

ENPaper analysis contractual relations that appear in the area of public law and their relation with legal principles of equality and publicity operating in this area. Well-developed private contract law because of its orientation to the private relations allows significant compromises in the application of these principals. Meanwhile in public law, which is more orientated in to the public interests, such open principal’s application is problematic. Practical examples and theoretical models shows that impact of the principals is severely impacted by the nature of the contractual regulation itselfin public law might be identified contracts implementing general and contracts implementing individual regulation. Balance of principals in these separate regulation types faces different level of limitation: in general, when the number of individuals that are regulated by the contract increases, the intensity of principals impact also expands. Publicity and equality principals are limited by their interaction with other principals and, most important, with overall concept of the contract. The conclusion is that when implementing contractual regulation in public law, publicity and equality principals must be applied at their maximum as long as they do not deny essence and aims of the contractual regulation. [From the publication]

1392-1274; 2424-6050
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