Danielius Naborovskis ir XVII amžiaus vilnietiškieji teisminiai naratyvai

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Danielius Naborovskis ir XVII amžiaus vilnietiškieji teisminiai naratyvai
Alternative Title:
Daniel Naborowski and Vilnius court narratives of the 17th century
In the Journal:
Senoji Lietuvos literatūra. 2012, 34, p. 221-244
Summary / Abstract:

LT1639-1640 m. įvyko konfliktas tarp evangelikų reformatų (kalvinistų) ir katalikų. Jo pasekmė buvo karaliaus teismo sprendimas iškeldinti evangelikų reformatų bažnyčią už miesto sienų. Vienas iš pagrindinių tų įvykių veikėjų buvo Danielius Naborovskis (Daniel Naborowski, 1573–1640) – poetas, diplomatas, vienas iš Vilniaus evangelikų reformatų vadovų ir Vilniaus pilies teismo teisėjas. Straipsnyje aptariami 1639–1641 m. dokumentai, kurie liudija abiejų pusių teisinę kovą. Pagrindinis straipsnio autoriaus tikslas – atskleisti tų dokumentų retoriškumą. Juose naudojamos mokyklinėms retorikos pratyboms (progymnasmata arba praeexercitamina) būdingos retorinės priemonės. Viena iš dažniausių tuose dokumentuose pasitaikančių retorinių figūrų – perdėjimas (exaggeratio), būdinga ir koncepto principu pagrįstai tuometinei Naborowskio poezijai. Tokio retorikos naudojimo teismo dokumentuose rezultatai yra skirtingos, kai kada viena kitai prieštaraujančios tikrovės interpretacijos. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Retorika; Vilnius; Danielius Naborovskis; Kalvinistai; Evangelikai reformatai; Rhetoric; Vilnius; Daniel Naborowski; Calvinists; Protestants.

ENPaper concerns the rhetoric of court documents created in Vilnius in the first half of the 17th century. They were written down in 1639-1641, when disturbances between Protestants and Catholics broke out in the city. Among participants of these events was Daniel Naborowski (1573-1640), famous poet, diplomat, one of the leaders of the Vilnian Calvinist Church, and the judge of the Vilnian castle court. In the first part of the text the author recounts the course of events. Later he presents documents which bear a testimony to the litigation between Catholics and Calvinists. Naborowski must have come across them as both an official and a participant of the contention, and he probably even edited some of them. These documents are entries in court records, testimonies of witnesses, transcripts of investigative board sessions and contents of verdicts. The author argues that in these documents were used means characteristic for school rhetorical exercises (progymnasmata or praeexercitamina), such as proof, topos (locus communis), a refutation of accusations (refutatio), narration, description, praise or reprimand and chreia. The analysis of these documents reveals the language and the form of text by which participants of the dispute modelled the image of reality and that in result of these endeavours mutually exclusive narratives about events from 1639 and 1641 came into being. In four separate documents Catholics offer four different accounts of these events. A common feature of these documents is that they all attempt to present Calvinists in the worst possible light. To achieve this objective techniques of rhetoric exaggeration were used in these texts. They are most distinctly visible in the royal court verdict from 1640 which ordered to remove the Calvinist church beyond the city walls.In the end the author points out that alike exaggerational techniques were used by Naborowski in his conceitous poems. The author notices that neither court nor poetic writings are faithful images of the former world and that they only tell us something about interpretative procedures used by people in the 17th century. [From the publication]

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