Petras Goniondzietis. Tradicinių dogmų kritikos pradžia XVI a. LDK ir jos atgarsiai Europoje

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Petras Goniondzietis. Tradicinių dogmų kritikos pradžia XVI a. LDK ir jos atgarsiai Europoje
Alternative Title:
Peter Gonesius. The beginings of the criticism of traditional dogmas in the 16th century Grand Duchy of Lithuania and its repercussions in Europe
In the Journal:
Senoji Lietuvos literatūra. 2012, 33, p. 53-74
Summary / Abstract:

LTLDK gimęs ir veikęs Petras Goniondzietis su dogmų kritika susipažino studijuodamas Paduvoje. Paveiktas teisės profesoriaus Mato Gribaldžio, jis nuo pat savo grįžimo į Lietuvą 1555 m. pabaigoje pasisakė prieš Nikėjoje (325), Konstantinopolyje (381) ir Chalkedone (451) priimtas trinitorines bei kristologines formuluotes. Šiuo tikslu Goniondziečio parašytas traktatas „De Deo et Filio eius" (apie 1560) pasižymi novatoriška, protoracionalistine hermeneutika, paveikusia Lietuvos ir Lenkijos radikaliosios Reformacijos atstovus. Ji neliko nepastebėta ir Europoje, kur tarp keleto reakcijų išsiskiria Tiubingeno medicinos ir filosofijos profesoriaus Jokūbo Šeko veikale „Contra antitrinitarios" (1566) pateikiama Goniondziečio minties filosofinė kritika. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Petras Gonenzijus (1530-1573); Literatūra (lotynų); Reformacija; Jokūbas Šekas; Teologija; Peter Gonesius; Lithuanian literature (Latin); Reformation; Jakob Schegk; Theology.

ENPeter Gonesius was the first thinker in Lithuania who clearly groped the essential question of forthcoming centuries what a relationship connects fides and ratio, the faith and the reason. Since the very return to Lithuania in 1555, he criticized the traditional Trinitarian and Christological formulas, and in ca. 1560 written tractates "De Deo et Filio eius" and "De uno vero Deo" he finally formulated his hermeneutical principles grounded on the Biblicism and logical rationalism linking them with the attitude of the Fathers of the pre-Nicaean Church. Hermeneutics of Peter Gonesius left a clear trace in the discussions between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland. In 1558 Hieronymus Piekarski and Jonas Falconius stressed relevance of the Fathers of the pre-Nicaean Church. Laurence Criscovius followed this principle as well and published the Polish translation of "A Dialog" with the Jew Trifonus by Justinus in 1564. A synod that took place in Mordy in 1563 gave voice for the Biblicism propagated by Peter Gonesius. Simon Budny implemented this principle most consistently; initially he followed position grounded on the Biblicism and logical rationalism of Peter Gonesius, but later modified it changing the principle of logical rationalism with the Biblical rationalism. The thoughts of Peter Gonesius attracted attention in Europe as well. In 1566 in Tübingen there was published a book "Contra antitrinitarios" by a professor of medicine and philosophy Jacob Schegk by order of a duke Christoph von Würtemberger and the university chancellor Jacob Andreae. The author disputed with the theses of both the other antitrinitarians and Peter Gonesius. After the book Contra antitrinitarios was noticed in Western Europe, as after it’s publishing a Frenchman Gilbert Genebrard started a dispute with Schegk, the discussions that arouse from the antitrinitarian ideas flourishing in Lithuania and Poland gained the European d.

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