Laikinosios sostinės refleksija Vytauto Sirijos Giros romane "Raudonmedžio rojus"

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Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Laikinosios sostinės refleksija Vytauto Sirijos Giros romane "Raudonmedžio rojus"
Alternative Title:
Reflexion of the temporary capital in Vytautas Sirijos Gira's novel "Raudonmedžio Rojus"
In the Journal:
Lituanistica. 2013, Nr. 3, p. 185-199
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama laikinosios sostinės refleksija Vytauto Sirijos Giros romane „Raudonmedžio rojus" (1972) traktuojant jį kaip vieną iš literatūrinį tarpukario Kauno tekstą formuojančių kūrinių. Metodologinės straipsnio prieigos glūdi semiotinėje miestotyroje. Didžiausią įtaką straipsnio autorės metodologinėms nuostatoms turi Vladimiro Toporovo darbai (iš jų perimta miesto teksto koncepcija ir mitopoetinė erdvės tyrimo strategija). Straipsnyje bandoma aiškintis, koks simbolinis tarpukario Kauno vaizdinys formuojamas „Raudonmedžio rojuje"; kokia aksiologinė sistema skleidžiasi per laikinosios sostinės mitą formuojančių prasminių dominančių pasirinkimą; kaip vėlyvuoju sovietmečiu Sirijos Giros kuriamas simbolinis miesto vaizdinys koreliuoja su tarpukariu užsimezgusia laikinosios sostinės mitologizavimo tradicija. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Vytautas Sirijos Gira; Raudonmedžio rojus; Laikinosios sostinės tekstas; Mitopoetika; Vytautas Sirijos Gira; Raudonmedžio Rojus; Text of the temporary capital; Mythopoetic.

ENArticle examines reflexion of the temporary capital in the novel by Vytautas Sirijos Gira "Raudonmedžio Rojus" (Mahogany Paradise, 1972), treating it as one of the literary works that shaped Kaunas’ text of the interwar period. Methodological presumptions of the article lie in semiotic urban research. The largest impact on methodological attitudes of the author was made by works of Vladimir Toporov (lending the concept of urban text and mythopoetic space research strategy). The article aims at answering a few interrelated questions: what symbolic image of interwar Kaunas is shaped in the "Raudonmedžio Rojus"; what axiological system is disclosed through selection of notional dominants shaping the myth of the temporary capital; how the symbolic image of city, as created by Sirijos Gira in late Soviet era, correlates with the tradition of mythologisation of the temporary capital, which started during the interwar period? Prose of Sirijos Gira, and especially the most popular text of the "Kauniad", the "Raudonmedžio Rojus", made the largest contribution to shaping of the literary myth of the temporary capital in Soviet Lithuania. One of the most prominent features of the novel is an extremely dense layer of urban empirics. Probably it can be claimed that the protagonist of the novel is the temporary capital itself since it receives the largest share of attention here. The novel continues the tradition (stemming from the interwar period) to mythologise the temporary capital as the space of social, moral and spiritual decline with the help of symbolic imagery characteristic to the literary Kaunas text. Environmental air pollution, determined by specifics of urban terrain – its location in valleys of Neris and Nemunas rivers, is metaphorised in the "Raudonmedžio Rojus" by enduing it with a moral tint; thereby a myth of a poisonous and ‘sick’ city is created.Analysis of the novel allows recognising an invariant of plot based on the archetype of journey, as inherent to the text of the temporary capital. In this archiplot, Kaunas performs the role of fatal trial, a field of dangers. "Raudonmedžio Rojus" does not preserve the motive of journey from rural to urban areas, which was popular during the interwar period, and the archiplot of the temporary capital text functions here as a development of subject’s worldviews, as searches of a way of life in Kaunas, which abounds in moral dangers. During the period of independence, the myth of the temporary capital was generated by antithesis of city and countryside, and in the novel of Sirijos Gira the antithesis was replaced with ideological opposition conforming to the principles of socialist realism – a capitalist independent Lithuania (represented in the novel by the morally rotten bourgeoisie of the temporary capital) versus socialist soviet Lithuania (for creation of which the underground communists are struggling, favoured by Karolis Tuleikis). The Marxist treatment of history, according to which the bourgeois Lithuania had no chances of survival in historical perspective since it was created on the bases of ideologically and socially wrong principles, has determined the shift towards eschatology of the temporary capital as seen in the "Raudonmedžio Rojus". All the prose works by Sirijos Gira on Kaunas of the interwar period intentionally concentrate on the last years of the temporary capital and intensively create the feeling of eclipse of the epoch. [From the publication]

0235-716X; 2424-4716
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