Kalendorinių švenčių diskursas sovietinėje Lietuvos periodikoje. I dalis: 1945-1964 metai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kalendorinių švenčių diskursas sovietinėje Lietuvos periodikoje. I dalis: 1945-1964 metai
Alternative Title:
Discourse of annual festivals in Lithuanian periodicals during Soviet times. Part 1. 1945-1964
In the Journal:
Lituanistica. 2013, Nr. 2, p. 101-121
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjamas kalendorinių švenčių diskursas Lietuvoje 1945–1964 m. Siekiama išsiaiškinti šio diskurso specifiką spaudoje, aptarti ją nulėmusias priežastis bei diskurso poveikį realioms švenčių tradicijoms. Atskirai aptariamos to meto periodikoje dažniausiai minėtos metinės šventės, išskiriamos atskiros šių kalendorinių švenčių diskurso siužetinės linijos, apibūdinami kalendorinių švenčių vaizdavimo spaudoje 1945–1953 m. ir 1953–1964 m. ypatumai. Tyrimo metodai – turinio analizė, sisteminimas, interpretavimas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Sovietmetis; Kalendorinės šventės; Sovietinė Lietuvos spauda; Tiesa; Švenčių diskursas; Soviet times; Annual festivals; Media of Soviet Lithuania; Tiesa; Discourse of holidays.

ENArticle offers an analysis of presentation of the most important holidays and memorial days in the media of Soviet Lithuania during the period of 1945-1964. The study of the daily newspaper "Tiesa" that was the official paper of the Communist Party of Lithuania and the Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR is taken as a typical example. Appropriate discourse during the period of Stalinism and the Khrushchev era is discussed separately. The aim of the study is to discuss the change of presentation of annual holidays and memorial days in press during the period of 1945-1964, to reveal the introduction and motivation of new holidays as well as exclusion of previous festivals from public space, to describe what main subject lines of the discourse of the annual celebrations were, to discuss what former Lithuanian traditional holidays were taken over and adapted to new Soviet holidays, to present what Lithuanian traditional cultural elements were used in this discourse, to determine which calendar holidays traditions and symbols were created, formed or specifically transformed during the Soviet times. The analysis shows that the discourse of the Soviet annual celebrations in press during the period changed unimportantly. Absolute ignorance of the past and still truly popular traditional Lithuanian holidays was typical to the discourse of the era and to the official Soviet ideology as well as presentation only of the new Soviet holidays. The single exception was left entirely to New Year celebration that did not have Christian undertones. Its presentation had some kind of continuity with the pre-Soviet times. The new ritual year of the period was structured by the two major Soviet holidays – the May Day and the annual commemoration of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Each Soviet holiday was an occasion to publish a wide range of texts glorifying the Soviet system, the Soviet leaders, the Communist Party, and the like. [From the publication]

0235-716X; 2424-4716
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