LTStraipsnyje analizuojamos UAB „Klaipėdos keliai“ darbuotojų motyvacijos ir įmonės finansinių rezultatų sąsajos. Motyvacija svarbi tuo, kad ja galima skatinti tokį darbuotojų elgesį, kuris nulemtų aukštus įmonės pasiekimus. Tinkamas darbuotojų motyvavimas įtakoja įmonės produktyvumą, todėl labai svarbu suvokti, kas motyvuoja darbuotojus siekti didžiausių rezultatų. Tyrimu aiškintasi, kokie veiksniai daro įtakos darbuotojų motyvacijai siekiant įmonės finansinių rezultatų, ar vadovai atsižvelgia į įmonės finansines galimybes motyvuodami darbuotojus. Akcentuotina, kad motyvacija – viena iš esminių sėkmingos veiklos egzistavimo priežasčių, kurios neįvertinimas gali privesti organizaciją prie žlugimo. Todėl organizacija, norėdama pasiekti gerų finansinių rezultatų, turi pakankamai dėmesio skirti darbuotojų motyvacijai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Darbo užmokestis; Darbuotojų motyvacija; Finansiniai rezultatai; Motyvacija; Enterprise; Financial results; Motivation; Wage.
ENEmployee motivation is important because it can be used to promote the employees' behavior, which would lead to high achievement company. Work motivation is a conscious and unconscious force of rising energy, which is an individual's performance and determines the orientation of job performance and change. Employee motivation influenced companies’ productivity, so it is very important to understand what motivates employees to achieve maximum results. Most of the incomes from the business depend on how employees perform their duties. The employer, in order to achieve maximum results, must pay attention to the measures by which he could mobilize all employees to achieve business goals. Motivation is very important factor in encouraging people to bring their personal goals with corporate objectives, as the result of a good company to have an impact on the employee for better success and awarding. Motivation – very complex process, it's one of the main reasons for the existence of a successful business, which underestimating the organization can lead to a breakup. For each person is important that he be able to satisfy all of his needs and expectations. The different measures which use an employer to encourage employee to work, educates employee motivation. While entrepreneurs say that the employees is mainly motivate internal atmosphere of the organization, workers' representatives argue that the most important motivation – money. Individual's motivation to work is very important wages and changes in perspective – if wages low and it does not increase the worker is indifferent to the outcome of the work, and sometimes avoid work.Therefore, the wage economy is very often not only unacceptable, but also a loss for the non-increasing or even decreasing works productivity. The aim: to assess JSC "Klaipeda Roads" employee motivation and enterprise financial performance interfaces. Methods: a literature analysis, questionnaire, organization, processing of data using SPSS program. The study shown, that most company's financial results promoted by material rewards, suggesting that wages and the company's financial results are related. It is also found that employees think that for company most important is a good financial results, the quality of order execution and solvent customers. This survey indicates that employees quite highly assess the good financial results of company. It is recommended to the company managers to share with the employees of the financial results then employees more aware of the possibilities and tries rather to seek important goals of the company. [From the publication]