LTStraipsnyje analizuojamas mokymo organizavimas Valstybinėje priešgaisrinėje gelbėjimo tarnyboje po 1990 m. Nepriklausomybės paskelbimo ir jo raida iki šiandien. Konstatuojama, kad kursantų mokymas organizuojamas dviem kryptimis: rengiami statutiniai pareigūnai ir dirbantieji pagal darbo sutartis, skiriasi ir jų mokymo trukmė. Straipsnyje aptariamos kvalifikacijos kėlimo galimybės, mokymo planai ir mokymo bazė. Pabrėžiama, kad tolesnį mokymo bazės plėtojimą ir valandų skaičiaus didinimą mokymo planuose stabdo finansinių išteklių stoka. Straipsnyje aptariami ir kiekybinio tyrimo rezultatai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Priešgaisrinės apsaugos ir gelbėjimo departamentas; Priešgaisrinė gelbėjimo tarnyba; Ugniagesių gelbėtojų mokykla; Valstybinė priešgaisrinė gelbėjimo tarnyba; Statutiniai pareigūnai; State Fire and Rescue Service; Firefighter's Training School; Statutory crews; Vocational training; Basic training.
ENObject of research- training and learning of the fire fighters. Aim of research- to show fire fighters training conditions and possibilities of skill improvement in students perspective. Methodology of research - analyzing scholarly sources and documents related to fire fighters training and skill improvement. Questionnaire poll of students was also used. The State Fire and Rescue Service - strictly regulated statutory organization of public's sector, however the provisions of this organization in the field of activity development is found on qualification and competence. Statutory crews, being civil servants, have a special status, which ensures their working conditions, the work schedule, salary, social security and training opportunities. Firefighter's Training School to the Fire and Rescue department organize training programs under the dual system of vocational training model and provides professional crews competence. Although, the State Fire and Rescue Service crews studying at Firefighters Training School, preparation of students evaluated as good (average - 8.5 points),but in preparation for their future work in the State Fire and Rescue Service, is necessary to develop training programs by improving their content: increasing the number of school subjects (37.1 percent of students), giving more time for practical training (27.3 percent) and giving more theoretical knowledge (56.5 percent). [From the publication]