Lietuvos egodokumentinio paveldo samprata ir tyrimų kryptys

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos egodokumentinio paveldo samprata ir tyrimų kryptys
Alternative Title:
Egodocumental heritage of Lithuania: conception and research trends
In the Book:
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Asmenų archyvai; Autobiografinė raštija; Egodokumentika; Egodokumentinio paveldo tyrimai; Kultūros paveldas; Lietuvos egodokumentinis paveldas; Rinkiniai; Tipologija; Autobiographical writing; Collections; Cultural heritage; Egodocumentation; Egodocuments (personal writings); Egodocumets heritage research; Lithuanian egodocumental heritage; Personal archives; Personalities archives; Typology.

ENPaper presents methodological problems of egodocumental research and guidelines for the project Lithuanian Egodocumental Heritage (acronym LEGODOK), conducted within the national program "The State and the People: Heritage and Identity" (2010-2013), funded by the Lithuanian Council of Science. "Lithuanian egodocument" is seen in the project as an object of traditional egodocumental heritage (memoirs, diaries, autobiographies, letters) created and/or kept in Lithuania, or associated with Lithuania by its content or its author’s identity. One of the aims of the project is to make a survey research (an inventory) of documents in various languages, kept in Lithuanian and Polish memory institutions and to compile lists of egodocuments; to fill in the data base according to a prepared procedure and form and to set up a retrospective bibliography (3,000 entries), and, establishing and expanding a reference infrastructure, to conduct fundamental and applied research. The basis for it is the widely accepted concept of the egodocument as writing in the first person for oneself and for closely related people (J. Presser, R. Dekker, W. Schulze), adapted to the general theory of document and archive science in which the paradigm of cultural and historical anthropology has recently been gaining prominence. Presently the following tasks have been accomplished or are in progress: the webpage has been created; the data base is being filled with metadata (bibliographic and archival entries); the structure of the output of the accumulated data in the website is being revised; publication of sources is in preparation. In the process of working at the project, different views of the egodocument have emerged among archivists, bibliographers, book researchers and historians; in this project we treat the egodocument as the sum of writing practices, reflecting a certain mentality and a way of life. [From the publication]

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