Knygotyrinės biografikos ir egodokumentikos šaltinių klasifikavimo problemos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Knygotyrinės biografikos ir egodokumentikos šaltinių klasifikavimo problemos
Alternative Title:
Problems of book science biographics and classification of egodocumentation sources
In the Book:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjamos istorijos, komunikacijos ir informacijos, literatūros mokslų atstovų sudarytos universalios šaltinių klasifikacijos. Jų analizavimas ir pritaikymas knygotyrinės biografikos tyrimuose leidžia išplėsti žinias apie biografinės ir autobiografinės informacijos šaltinius, jų atsiradimą, panaudojimą, ryšius, analizės būdus. Straipsnio tikslas – sudaryti knygotyrinės biografikos tyrimams tinkančią šaltinių klasifikaciją bei apibrėžti egodokumentų vietą joje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Biografinė informacija; Egodokumentas; Knygos veikėjai; Knygotyrinė biografika; Šaltinių klasifikacija; Šaltinių klasifikacijos; Biographic research; Biographical and autobiographical sources of information; Biographical information; Book science biographics; Book workers; Classification of historical sources; Classification of sources; Egodocument.

ENThe classification of book science biographics and egodocumentation sources is one of the theoretical parts of biographics, which examines the emergence of biographical and autobiographical sources of information, as well as their interpretation, classification, evaluation, and adaptation to the fundamental and applied research. It can be both of the theoretical and applied character. While analyzing the issue on the classification of biographical and autobiographical sources of information both in Lithuania and in other countries, the universal classifications of sources structured by the representatives of history, communication and information, literature, as well as other humanities and social sciences, are applied. Their analysis and application in different researches allows the expansion of the knowledge on biographical and autobiographical sources of information, their origin, use, communication, and analytical methods. Book science biographics has certain specific sources that are used by researchers for the collection of biographical and autobiographical information necessary for the performance of the study on the biographical portrait of a specific personality or for the investigation of the community of a book as a social group. Sources of biographical and autobiographical information are generally divided into three large blocks: official archival documentation; published sources of biographical information; all the non-text sources. During the recent decades, favorable conditions for the performance of the detailed analytical research and for the development of databases available to the public have been created. Consequently, in the future it is possible to expect the reception of the professionally-prepared theoretical and methodological works on the issues of source study, as well as the significant publications of sources, and the fundamental works of book science biographics. [From the publication]

2020-03-25 17:49:44
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