Teisės raida: retrospektyva ir perspektyva. Liber Amicorum Mindaugui Maksimaičiui

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Teisės raida: retrospektyva ir perspektyva. Liber Amicorum Mindaugui Maksimaičiui
Alternative Title:
Legal evolution: retrospective ant perspective. Liber Amicorum Professor habil. Dr. Mindaugas Maksimaitis
Šapoka, Gintaras, redagavimas [edt]
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Mykolo Romerio universitetas, 2013.
613 p
Įžangos žodis — Profesorius Mindaugas Maksimaitis – teisės mokslo baruose / Gintaras Šapoka — I. Kompleksiniai teisės tyrimai: istorinis aspektas — Apie teisės pažinimą / Darijus Beinoravičius — Lietuvos teisinės kultūros ištakos / Antanas Šenavičius — Viešosios teisės problema (Lietuvos šiuolaikinės teisinės sistemos kritika LDK teisės tradicijos požiūriu) / Rūta Kazlauskienė — Autoriteto ir asmens laisvės vaidmuo kuriant ir griaunant Lietuvos Didžiąją Kunigaikštystę / Alfonsas Vaišvila — Kompleksinė miškų, laukinės gyvūnijos ir augalijos teisinė apsauga Lietuvos statutuose / Jevgenij Machovenko — Civilinė ir baudžiamoji justicija 1918–1940 m. / Rima Ažubalytė, Egidija Tamošiūnienė — Romėnų teisės moksliniai tyrimai prieškario Lietuvos universitete / Stasys Vėlyvis — II. Konstitucionalizmo raidos aspektai — 1992 m. spalio 25 d. Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucija Lietuvos konstitucinio paveldo politiniuose teisiniuose kontekstuose / Juozas Žilys — Vienos fikcijos klausimu / Egidijus Kūris — Konstitucinės teisės šaltinių doktrinos raidos bruožai / Toma Birmontienė — Įstatymų leidžiamosios ir vykdomosios valdžių konstrukcija 1791 m. Prancūzijos konstitucijoje / Egidijus Jarašiūnas — 1919 m. rugpjūčio 11 d. Vokietijos Reicho (Veimaro) konstitucija: keletas aspektų / Milda Vainiutė — Konstitucinio lygiateisiškumo principo raida : aiškinimo teorija ir praktika / Vytautas Sinkevičius — Išvados — Šaltinių ir literatūros sąrašas — Prof. habil. dr. Mindaugo Maksimaičio svarbiausių mokslinių publikacijų bibliografija (1962–2012) — Summary.
Summary / Abstract:

LTMokslo studija „Teisės raida: retrospektyva ir perspektyva. Liber Amicorum Mindaugui Maksimaičiui“ skiriama Mykolo Romerio universiteto Garbės profesoriaus M. Maksimaičio 80 metų jubiliejui paminėti. Mokslo studijos autoriai, atsižvelgdami į prof. habil. dr. M. Maksimaičio mokslinių tyrinėjimų lauką – Lietuvos teisės bei teisinės minties istorija, – nusprendė teisės sistemą, jos problemas analizuoti retrospektyviai, tikėdamiesi rasti atsakymus į šių laikų analogiškus teisės klausimus. Pirmoje leidinio dalyje dėmesys skiriamas istoriniams Lietuvos teisės raidos aspektams: LDK teisės raidai ir Pirmosios Respublikos teisės doktrinai. Antroje dalyje analizuojamos tiek Lietuvos, tiek užsienio valstybių konstitucionalizmo raidos ypatybės ir problematika. [Leidėjo anotacija]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucija; Teisė; Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); Konstitucinės teisės šaltiniai; Mindaugas Maksimaitis; Istoriniai aspektai; Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania; Law; Sources of Constitutional Law; Mindaugas Maksimaitis; Historical aspects.

ENScientific study is dedicated in honour of his 80th Anniversary. Lithuanian legal doctrine calculates already its six centuries. It began in 16th century with prominent legal monuments in the time of Lithuanian Statutes; later it took a new shift with founding Vilnius University Faculty of Law in 17th century. Also, it was enshrined during the years of tsarist occupation. Eventually it took a new qualitative step during the process of restoration of Lithuanian statehood in 1918, when unmeasured opportunities to develop academic legal thought emerged, on the one hand, at Vytautas Magnus University, and, on the other hand, implementing scientific achievements during the period of creation of the legal system of the First Republic of Lithuania. It is hard to believe, but even during the period of soviet occupation which was full of ideological and other restriction, Lithuanian legal science was capable to maintain high level of research as well as to discover and to offer new directions in the legal field. There were many new issues and challenges, which arose for lawyers from academic field and practice, because of various transformations in society and political system after the restoration of Lithuanian independence in 1990. Following the legal science and new research works, it was intended to create new legal system of modern Lithuania, where the importance of legal doctrine increases. Willing to cover this prominent Lithuanian legal heritage, it is necessary to return to the historical roots. Hence, the reflection of social phenomenon and relations of legal history should give and can give us not only the retrospective approach of past relations, but also it can become an important starting point which helps to resolve actual social and legal problems.The authors of this scientific study, considering the field of scientific research of professor Mindaugas Maksimaitis, in particular history of Lithuanian law and history of legal thought, decided to analyse legal relations, problems from retrospective analysis, expecting to find the answers to the actual legal problems. This is the main reason why the study was given such united topic “Legal evolution: retrospective and perspective”. The content of the scientific study itself is based to some extent on certain interdisciplinary approach, because the subject of legal history itself supposes it: requires to research not only separate questions of one or other legal branch, but rather to take into account whole legal system as entire formation. This is the reason why it is necessary to use all legal branches at once. Such definition at the same time encourages us to raise new problematical questions in the field of general legal branches such as legal history, legal theory, and special legal branches, such as constitutional law and others, trying to bridge the gap between different analysed legal problems. Obviously, it can be done regarding not only to the retrospective problematic aspects, but also offering the perspectives of analysed problems and its influence to the future. Also it is necessary to acknowledge that the study is limited by giving attention mostly to the legal branch of constitutional law. Authors based The structure of the scientific study on general methodological principle and internal logic of the topic: starting with general issues and moving to the special ones. This is the main reason why the authors distinguished two parts of the study: firstly, attention is given to historical aspects of legal evolution and, secondly the attention of the study is turned to the singularities of the evolution of constitutionalism.The investigations of law as Legal science are especially related to the methodological problems of knowledge. Legal sciences are analysed with interdisciplinary approach and are related to methodological problems of legal science. Realising the diversity of legal concepts in the doctrine, its evolution and impact on the legal system, law is analysed from the interdisciplinary approach as well as the growth of a new social constructivism, which implements social discourse. By this way a new methodological paradigm arises in the legal science. The further historical retrospective requires paying attention to the rudiments and the beginning of Lithuanian legal culture, where it is stated that the evolution of the state of Lithuania in the Middle Ages and its legal evolution had the only one direction to the Western legal tradition. Although this part of the study could be seen as dedicated only to the historical aspects, but the authors analysing historical aspects of Lithuanian legal evolution draw a particular view to the actual legal problematic. By analysing legal heritage of Grand Duchy of Lithuania it is important to emphasise the period of Lithuanian Statutes. However these legal sources have not been appropriately recognized by historians or other representatives of social and humanitarian sciences, while they are remembered as apparent relict of glorious past time. Nevertheless the investigations of historians of legal sciences can justify different provisions and here retrospective legal analysis can offer the solutions to the problems of modern and public legal system. [...]. [From the publication]

9789955195597; 9789955195580
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