Juozo Lašo kanklės lietuviškų kanklių raidos kontekste

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Juozo Lašo kanklės lietuviškų kanklių raidos kontekste
Alternative Title:
Juozas Lašas' kanklės in Lithuanian kanklės development context
In the Journal:
Tradicija ir dabartis. 2012, 7, p. 48-61
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Kankliavimas; Koncertinės kanklės; Liaudiškos kanklės; Modifikuotos kanklės; Tradicinės kanklės; Concert kanklės; Folk kanklės; Kanklės playing; Lithuania; Modified kanklės; Traditional kanklės.

ENArticle analyzes kanklės of the self-taught musical instrument maker Juozas Lašas (1912-2005), who lived in Anykščiai district, Svėdasai region, Savičiūnai village, instrument dissemination in Highland region and its place in today’s ethnic culture. The modified (far from the Highland region-specific kanklės production traditions) instruments prevalence and functionality today makes preconditions to talk about the phenomenon of European culture dissemination in Lithuania in the first half of the 20th century as indicated by amalgamation of the ancient traditions of the Lithuanian kanklės playing with the innovations prevalent during this period. This phenomenon in principle contradicts to the matter of Lithuanian kanklės typology and regionality. Therefore, taking into consideration certain Lithuanian kanklės development processes in the beginning of the twentieth century and impact of these processes upon changes in J. Lašas’ kanklės shape, structure, decoration, performance ways on this instrument and repertoire, it can be assumed that J. Lašas’ kanklės in this instrument development history could form a separate type of instruments, known as late folk kanklės. According to the studies performed and their findings, one can suggest that Juozas Lašas’ contribution to the history of Lithuanian kanklės development is obvious and significant, so the master’s personality and instruments made by him must take the rightful place not only in the Lithuanian folk music instrument development history, but also in practice. [From the publication]

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