Mokinių smurto mokykloje raiškos tendencijos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokinių smurto mokykloje raiškos tendencijos
Alternative Title:
Tendencies of children's violence in the school
In the Journal:
Kultūra - Ugdymas - Visuomenė. 2007, Nr. 2, p. 169-175
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pateikiamos mokinių smurto mokykloje raiškos tendencijos, labiausiai atsiskleidžiančios per saugumo mokykloje parametrą, vaiko turimą socialinį tinklą (draugai), jų teisių bei pareigų žinojimą ir praktinį įgyvendinamumą. Taip pat, remiantis Vaikų teisių apsaugos tarnybos (toliau tekste VTAT) duomenimis, parodomos smurto prieš vaikus paplitimo tendencijos Lietuvoje. Tyrimo pagrindu šiame darbe palyginamos smurtą patyrusių ir jį vykdančių mokinių psichosocialinės charakteristikos lyties aspektu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Smurtas; Smurtas mokykloje; Smurto formos; Smurto raiška; Violence; Violence form; Violence forms; Violence in the school; Violence expression.

ENViolence – especially violence against children – is one of the biggest problems in the world and in Lithuania as well. The consequences of violence are very painfull, its physical, moral and material damage is tremendous. In spite of that our society is still unable properly to solve this problem. The worrying fact is that quite a big number of children undergo violence not only at home or in the street, but also at school. The responsible authorities should pay more attention to this fact and should make every effort to prevent that In order to organize prevention first of all we need objective, reliable and full information about the fact of violence and it's spreading in school. The purpose of this paper is: to analize the atitude towards violence in the school by schoolchidren themselves; to clear up the scale of violence among the teenagers of different sexes. The asocial behaviour which is closely connected with violence was quite widely investigated in Lithuania.G. Valickas (1997) in his research work analized the psychological aspects of an asocial personality. R.Žukauskienė (1998) disclosed the pecularities and differences of behaviour of differene sexes of schoolchildrens (juniour age). G. Navaitis (1997) analized different ways of psychological help for a child (including aggressive children). The violence against schoolchildren of different sexes, their attitude towards violence and prevention of violence was never analyzed before and it was the reason to make this research. In order to find out the attitude of the most interested group, the main method of research was chosen as questionnaire. There were chosen 602 schoolchildren of the sixth-seventh classes including 308 (51%) boys and 294 (49%) girls. The participants had to answer 26 questions of three kinds – open, closed and half closed. The results of the questionnaire were worked up using a statistical package of MS SPSS 14.0 version (the anglysis of frequencies, Chi sqr. Test, and Spearman's correlation qoejficieni). During the research the hypothesis was corroborated – it was determined that both the girls and the boys undergo various kinds of violence in school – physical, emotional, and even the sexual. [...]. [From the publication]

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