Biografinio tyrimo galimybės tiriant magistrantų tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos ugdymąsi socializacijos procese

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Biografinio tyrimo galimybės tiriant magistrantų tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos ugdymąsi socializacijos procese
Alternative Title:
Opportunities offered by the biographical research in examining the self-development of intercultural competences of master students in the process of socialisation
Summary / Abstract:

LTTarpkultūrinės kompetencijos ugdymas tampa vis aktualesne tyrimų tema atsižvelgiant į globalizacijos procesus. Tarpkultūrinė kompetencija yra sudėtingas, multidimensinis konstruktas, ugdomas visą žmogaus gyvenimą. Ji įtraukia visus socializacijos veiksnius (šeimą, mokyklą, bendraamžių grupes ir pan.), aprėpia formalaus, savaiminio, neformalaus mokymosi formas, vyksta visą žmogaus gyvenimą, įveiklina žmogaus turimą patirtį. Todėl svarbu suprasti šios kompetencijos prigimtį, formavimosi iki mokymosi aukštojoje mokykloje ypatumus ir įvertinti visus socializacijos ir ugdymo veiksnius, lemiančius tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos ugdymą. Straipsnyje naudojamas biografinio naratyvo metodas – pasakojimas – padeda atskleisti kiekvieno tyrime dalyvaujančio asmens subjektyvumo išraišką, savo praeities rekonstrukcijas ir interpretacijas. Biografinis naratyvas yra subjektyvi realybės interpretacija, išreiškia vidinį subjekto pasaulį, jo asmeninį „Aš“ ir gyvenamąją patirtį, parodo, kaip konstruojama kasdienė individo patirtis ir prasmių horizontas. Biografinis metodas leidžia suprasti individo identiteto kaitą, kas vyksta su asmeniu, jo savojo „Aš“ projektu – kaip vyksta asmens gyvenimo pasikeitimas socialinių pokyčių kontekste, leidžia atskleisti, kaip jo identitetas besivystydamas sąveikauja ir paveikiamas įvairių socialinių struktūrų. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Biografinis naratyvas; Biografinis tyrimas; Socializacijos procesas; Tarpkultūrinė kompetencija; Biographical Research; Biographical narrative; Biographical study; Intercultural Competences; Intercultural competence; Socialization process.

ENArticle substantiates the properties of a biographical narrative as a narrative data collection and analysis method. The authors analyse the application of this method by referring to the cases of the processes of socialisation and self-development of intercultural competences of Master students in formal and informal environments. Qualitative information collected by means of a biographical narrative is analysed on the basis of categories and subcategories. On the basis of this data, intercultural experiences of Master students on the Social Sciences study programs arc interpreted. The experiences arc important for the development of intercultural competences in both formal, institutional/university and informal, everyday life environment of the family. The researchers prove that a biographical narrative allows understanding the shift in the students' intercultural identity and showing how its development is conditioned by changes in the social structures, offering the individual an opportunity to overcome emotional intercultural obstacles and tensions. The social phenomenon is perceived as a text the meanings of which are understood as interpretation of experiences of an individual while telling his/her life story. On the one hand, a biographical narrative strives at recreating a historical sequence of the individual's experiences or events; it is a look at the past of the narrator.Besides, a narrative when the events are presented and interpreted together with the individual's experiences and events of life reveals wider socio-economic structures. At the same time, a biographical narrative is an expression of the subjectivity of the person, a reconstruction and interpretation of one's own self. The biographical method allows understanding the individual's change of identity, what happens with the person; with his/her own "I" project – how changes take place in the person s life in the context of social changes. Besides, this method allows revealing how, in the process of development, the research subject's identity interacts with and is affected by various social structures. First of all, references are made to the collected evidence "experienced in real life". The narrative includes details and exhaustive meanings of the individual's activities (motivation, feelings, wishes or aims) that cannot be described by concepts, factual statements or abstractions, used by positivists. The aim of the narrative is changes in the intentions (wishes, aims) of the human being and unexpected turns of the narrative. It reveals personal experiences, various turns of life of every individual and allows establishing a set of experiences in the life of each person by highlighting the most important processes as well as unique and common features in the life of each and all of them. One of the most important factors that was possible to recognise in the research participants' narratives is the role of the society and the socio-cultural profile of the society itself (cultural, economic, social and historical environment) which affects the formation and development ofintercultural competences. [...]. [From the publication]

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2018-08-01 14:27:08
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