Vaikų laisvojo rašinio taikymą pagrindžiančios kokybinio tyrimo teorijos, duomenų rinkimas bei kontentinė analizė

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vaikų laisvojo rašinio taikymą pagrindžiančios kokybinio tyrimo teorijos, duomenų rinkimas bei kontentinė analizė
Alternative Title:
Qualitative research theories validating the application of the free essay of children, data collection and content analysis
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje atskleidžiama, kaip galima suprasti vaikų laisvalaikio kultūros bei savaiminio mokymosi edukacinio diskurso prasmes taikant vieną iš kokybinio tyrimo metodų – laisvąjį teminį vaikų rašinį, kuris yra naratyvinis tekstas. Nagrinėjamas šio metodo naratyvinis reikšmingumas vaikų kultūros fenomenų socialiniams-edukaciniams tyrimams apskritai bei jo taikymo sąlygos, galimybės. Atskleidžiama, kaip analizuojant laisvojo rašinio naratyvinius tekstus yra nustatomos svarbiausios temos ir kategorijos, išskiriamos prasminės idėjos – teiginiai, kurie yra ypač reikšmingi tėvams ir pedagogams (kaip suaugusiesiems) šviesti bei konsultuoti. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: (pa)grindžiančioji teorija; Kokybinis tyrimas; Kokybinių tyrimų filosofinė paradigma; Laisvojo rašinio metodas; Teorija; Free essay; Free essay test; Grounded theory; Qualitative research; Qualitative research philosophical paradigm; Theories.

ENIt is shown that application of the children's free essay based on the qualitative research theories (A. Juodaitytė, K. Rudytė, R. Šiaučiulicnė) allows researchers to concentrate on the idea that the living world is a socio-cultural reality of individuals and groups, the meaningfulness of which (cultural, social, educational) can be perceived through the understanding of the world shaped by the culture of the research subjects. This culturological theory allows interpreting social reality construed by children and academic youth as a micro-social structure and performing information analysis representing individual experience. It is revealed how understanding of the data of the text of the free essay takes place, how the sources of its meaningfulness are established, while a dialogue among the interpreted text, the researcher and research subjects is maintained during the research and data analysis period. This way one goes back to the object of cognition, the text, time and again; every time its understanding is deeper and deeper and its interpretation is more accurate. It is shown how the researcher is involved in the processes of text explanation, how s/he embraces textual data and selects the generalising topics and subtopics. The authors argue that by the application of phenomenological, hermeneutical approach in text analysis, educational discourse of childrens leisure, informal learning and lifestyle gives sense to and expresses the researcher's orientation towards the children's and academic youth experiences.This way the researchers are empowered to constantly link the perception of the text with the understanding of its content, because the meaning is in the text, it is decoded by the researcher, later it is expressed through concepts and terms ensuring scientific understanding. Besides, social and educational meaningfulness bestowed to leisure and informal learning cultures becomes obvious; it allows encompassing the variety of experiences of the child and children. While analysing the qualitative data, phenomenological reduction principles were relied upon; they require to "bracket" all the previous knowledge, however, they don't allow going beyond the limits of the perspective during the analysis. This means that everything outside the researcher, outside the direct experiences, is being ignored. The aim is for the outside world to be confined to the limits of consciousness important for the research. That is why the statements of the research subjects were transformed into the language of the analysed phenomenon; however, some parts of the text were quoted, because these quotations visually revealed the language of the phenomenon under analysis. By employing variations of imagination, the essence was pinned in the meaningful units and described in a scientific language. This made it possible to find problem themes, shaping the essence and structures of the lifestyle of academic youth. While perceiving the texts of the students' essays, attempts were made to search for contacts with the Other, as a possible I. In order to reconstruct the text in the most accurate way as the meaning of the Other, the researchers employed their intuition, imagination and creativity. [...]. [From the publication]

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