LTKalbinis ugdymas pagrindinėje ir vidurinėje mokykloje yra viena iš svarbesnių bendrojo ugdymo sričių. Labai svarbu, kad, pažindami kalbą kaip socialinį kultūrinį reiškinį, mokiniai suvoktų istorinės atminties, tradicijų, gimtosios kalbos vertę, asmeninio indėlio į kultūros kūrimą prasmę. Be gimtosios kalbos, mokydamiesi kitų tautų kalbų ir pažindami kultūras mokiniai supranta, kad kiekviena kultūra yra unikali, įgyja daugiakalbės ir daugiakultūrės kompetencijos pagrindus. Visa tai sudaro prielaidas ugdytis atsakomybe, kūrybingumu grįstą santykį su savosios kultūros tradicija, pagarbą bei atvirumą kitoms kalboms ir kultūroms. Vienas iš lietuvių kalbos ugdymo uždavinių – pažinti kalbą kaip tautos kultūros dalį, suvokti kultūros tradicijas ir jas kūrybingai plėtoti. Kalbinio ugdymo turinį pagrindinėje ir vidurinėje mokykloje reglamentuoja bendrosios programos, o programos turėtų būti rengiamos atsižvelgiant į lietuvių kalbos ugdymo strategijos nuostatas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Vidurinė mokykla; Pagrindinė mokykla; Kalbinis ugdymas; Socialinis kultūrinis reiškinys; Lietuvių kalbos ugdymo strategija; Secondary school; Basic school; Language teaching; Socio-cultural phenomenon; Lithuanian language teaching strategy.
ENThe 2010–2014 strategy of schools that implement Lithuanian language general education programmes lists the key objectives and tasks of Lithuanian studies teaching and education as well as criteria for evaluating the results of implementation. It is stated in the strategy that when pupils perceive and create the Lithuanian language as their own, they strengthen their identity, self-esteem and dignity. The Lithuanian language curricula in secondary schools should therefore reflect the key provisions of the Lithuanian language education strategy. It is stated in the secondary education programme that in addition to general knowledge and skills in various academic subjects, secondary school should encourage socio-cultural literacy. Language learning in general education schools is one of the main fields of general education. Sociocultural literacy is understood in the programme as the development of social maturity, formation of national and civil identity, preparation for living in a multicultural world, development of tolerance towards cultural diversity, and development of trust in one’s own national culture. When the purpose of the Lithuanian language as an academic subject in basic schools is discussed, it is stated that one of its main tasks is to learn about the language as part of national culture, understand cultural traditions, and develop these traditions in a creative manner. The objective of the present article is to study what requirements for the analysis of language as a socio-cultural phenomenon are raised in the general curricula of basic and secondary schools and how the requirements raised correspond to the Lithuanian language teaching strategy in general education schools.To achieve this objective, the following tasks were set: 1) to discuss the topic of language as a socio-cultural phenomenon within the framework of the general Lithuanian language curricula in terms of content; 2) to analyse how curricula requirements and school textbooks reflect the provisions of the Lithuanian language curricula and Lithuanian language teaching strategy. The object of the research covers the general Lithuanian language curricula in secondary and basic schools, textbooks, and the Lithuanian language teaching strategy. The methods of the research include analysis of professional and methodological literature and analytical description methods. [From the publication]