Kultūrinės kompetencijos raiška rengiant anglų kalbos mokytojus: Lietuvos edukologijos universiteto atvejis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kultūrinės kompetencijos raiška rengiant anglų kalbos mokytojus: Lietuvos edukologijos universiteto atvejis
Alternative Title:
Expression of cultural competency within the context of English teacher training (the case of Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences)
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2013, 109, p. 57-66
Summary / Abstract:

LTGlobalizacijos procesai bei jų lemiami pokyčiai kelia naujus iššūkius užsienio kalbų mokymui(si). Mokytojui tenka tiek savosios kultūros puoselėtojo, tiek svetimos kultūros nešėjo vaidmuo, todėl rengiant būsimą užsienio kalbos specialistą būtina ugdyti jo kultūrinę kompetenciją. Straipsnyje pateikiamas būsimų anglų kalbos mokytojų požiūris į kultūrinį užsienio kalbų mokymo(si) aspektą, jo svarbą ir ugdymo(si) galimybes rengiantis tapti anglų kalbos mokytojais LEU. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Būsimasis anglų kalbos mokytojas; Kultūra; Kultūrinė kompetencija; Mokytojų rengimas; Pre-service teachers of English; Culture; Cultural competency; Teacher training.

ENThe article deals with the expression of cultural competency of pre-service teachers of English. It emphasizes the effects of globalization on the training of foreign language teachers as well as highlights the necessity of raising their cultural competency. with this aim, a quantitative research has been conducted. The questionnaire consisted of several sections, which aimed at identifying pre-service teachers’ opinion about the relation between language and culture, the importance of the development of cultural competency, the current level of students’ cultural competency, and possibilities to develop it at university. The study included 119 respondents. They were 1–4-year students of English philology at Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences. The research has determined that almost all preservice teachers of English observe a close link between language and culture, and distinguish two notions of the concept culture: culture as human relations with themselves, others and the surrounding environment (approx. 2/3 of respondents), and culture as human production (approx. 1/3 of respondents). A greater half of students emphasize the ethnic nature of culture. About 90 % of pre-service teachers maintain that they develop their cultural competency during the classes at university, while travelling and communicating to foreign culture representatives. Besides, most students (80 %) assess their current level of cultural competency as very high or high. They state that the feel are able to communicate in different cultural contexts, and are able to initiate and keep a conversation with representatives of other cultures. Most students believe that they receive sufficient cultural education at university. Among the study subjects most significance is attached to the courses of Country Studies, Present-Day English and Literary Text Analysis.However, future teachers would prefer more classes and meetings with native speakers, more cultural events organized at university and more possibilities to participate in student exchange programmes. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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