LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Abraomas; Baimė; Egzistencinis; Egzistencinė tiesa; Existential truth; Georg; Hegelis; Kierkegaardas; Kierkegaardas, Sorenas; Neklasikinė filosofija; Paradoksas; Sodeika, Tomas; Sorenas Kierkegaardas; Tiesa; Tiesos samprata; Tikėjimas; Abraham; Conception of truth; Egzistencinė tiesa; Existencial truth; Existential; Faith; Fear; Hegel, Georg; Kierkegaard; Kierkegaard, Soren; Non-classical philosphy; Paradox; Sodeika, Tomas; Soren Kierkegaard; Truth.
ENThe object of this article is a 19th century existentialist Søren Kierkegaard's work Fear and Tremble, the style of which is approximate in a literary text. The purpose is to ascertain paradoxes of existential truth'and traditional truth'conception. S. Kierkegaard has developed the conception of existential truth and pointed out the paradoxcity of this truth in regard to objective /traditional truth. First of all, the conceptions of existential truth and traditional truth and their differences are explained theoretically; then the analysis of Fear and Tremble is presented. In this article great attention is paid to the emphasis of truth paradoxity which arises when the philosopher meditates on Abraham's situation. Abraham as an individual excels the generality of mankind. He is either a murderer (according to the traditional truth and the generality criterion), or a believer (according to the existential truth). Abraham's behaviour cannot bc explained objectively. It is a paradox. It is obvious that the contradictions between the traditional and the existential truths arc irreconcilable. Existential truth is an objective truth of individual's subjective life. [From the publication]