Baltica & Balto-Slavica

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Anglų kalba / English
Baltica & Balto-Slavica
Publication Data:
Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2009.
xiv, 440 p
Leiden studies in Indo-European; 16
Bibliografija ir rodyklė.
Introduction — Phonology — Chronology. Historical laws of Baltic accentuation. Innovations which betray archaisms. Shortening and metatony in the Lithuanian future. Holger Pedersenʼs Etudes lituaniennes revisited — Balto-Slavic. Indo-European palatovelars before resonants in Balto-Slavic. Three problems of Balto-Slavic phonology. The development of the Indo-European syllabic resonants in Balto-Slavic. Balto-Slavic phonological developments — Accent. Long vowels in Balto-Slavic. PIE lengthened grade in Balto-Slavic. Remarks on Winterʼs law. Winterʼs law again. The rise and fall of glottalization in Baltic and Slavic. Balto-Slavic accentuation: Some news travels slowly. Noises and nuisances in Balto-Slavic and Indo-European linguistics. Miscellaneous remarks on Balto-Slavic accentuation. Final stress in Balto-Slavic mobile paradigms. On the accentuation of the illative. Balto-Slavic accentual mobility. Accent retraction and tonogenesis — Morphology — Nouns. On the history of the genitive plural in Slavic, Baltic, Germanic, and Indo-European. Gothic gen. pl. -e. Baltic e- and ilja- stems. Old Prussian -sna, Lithuanian -sena, Latvian -šana — Pronouns. Demonstrative pronouns in Balto-Slavic, Armenian, and Tocharian. Tokie šalti rytai — Verbs. Toward a reconstruction of the Balto-Slavic verbal system. Slavic imamь. Lithuanian statyti and related formations. The etymology of Latvian näkt ʼto comeʼ. Lithuanian verbs in -auti and -uoti. Lithuanian tekėti and related formations — Prussian philology. Van Wijkʼs Altpreussische Studien revisited.The development of the Prussian language in the 16th century. Two Old Prussian fragments. Who is who in the Old Prussian epigram? Paragogic -e in the Old Prussian epigram. The language of the Old Prussian catechisms. An analysis of the Prussian First Catechism. The linguistic position of the Prussian Second Catechism — Phonology. Old Prussian accentuation. Double consonants in Old Prussian. The Prussian accent shift. Initial a- and e- in Old Prussian. Diphthongization and monophthongization in Old Prussian. Old Prussian diphthongs — Morphology. Old Prussian infinitives in -ton and -twei. The formation of the Old Prussian present tense. The Old Prussian preterit. Old Prussian verb classes. Old Prussian verb classes reconsidered. Old Prussian participles. Old Prussian numerals. Old Prussian pronouns. The Old Prussian personal endings — Texts — References — Index.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Baltų kalbos; Prūsistika; Indoeuropeistika; Balrtic languages; Old Prussian; Indoeuropeistics.

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