Unikalus stebuklinės pasakos užrašymas. Saulė ir vėjų motina (AT 516B)

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Unikalus stebuklinės pasakos užrašymas. Saulė ir vėjų motina (AT 516B)
Alternative Title:
Unique recording of the magic tale. Saulė ir vėjų motina (AT 516В)
In the Journal:
Tautosakos darbai [Folklore Studies]. 2003, 26, p. 66-75
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio objektas - vienintelis Lietuvoje Mečislovo Davainio-Silvestraičio užrašytas stebuklinės pasakos Saulė ir vėjų motina (AT 516B) variantas. Darbo tikslas - sugretinti lietuvių variantą su galimais atitikmenimis: indų, graikų, albanų tos pačios pasakos variantais, ir mėginti hipotetiškai nustatyti lietuvių varianto kilmę. Tyrimo metodai - struktūrinis-semantinis ir lyginamasis. Išvada - kaip galimus atitikmenis sugretinus tos pačios pasakos (AT 516B) lietuvių, indų, graikų ir albanų variantus, paaiškėjo, kad vienus jų sieja išorinis panašumas, kilus - tik bendri elementarūs siužetai (ES). Taigi spėjama, kad unikalus tekstas - atsitiktinai į pateikėjo repertuarą patekusi kitos tradicijos pasaka. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Tautosaka; M. Davainis-Silvestraitis; Pasakos; Saulė; Siužetai; Stebuklinės pasakos; Vėjų motina; Lithuanian folklore; M. Davainis-Silvestraitis; Magic tales; Mother of Wind's; Subjects; Sun; Winds' Mother.

ENThe author analyses the single Lithuanian variant of the magic talc belonging to the AT 5I6B type, recorded by M. Davainis-Silvestraitis and called Saulė ir vėjų motina ('Sun and the Mother of Winds'). As possible parallels, the Indian, Greek and Albanian variants of the same talc were drawn up. After carrying out the comparison the author concludes some of these variants being externally related, others just having several common elementary plots (EP). It seems that the talc in question has been formed in the Oriental tradition and is fairly well known in southern part of Europe. In absence of similar variants recorded in the neighbouring countries, e.g. in Latvia, among the Eastern Slavs, in Poland or Germany, two hypothetical versions of the origin of the Lithuanian tale were raised: the unique Lithuanian variant being a borrowing or a literary creation. Historical circumstances related to recording of another talc text, told by the same narrator, A. Ulinskas, support the assumption of this tale also being a borrowing, acquired via direct contact with a narrator, having for some time lived or served in the military in Asia. This talc did not become established in Lithuanian folk narrative tradition however: during his intensive folklore collection activity carried out nearby place of residence of A. Ulinskas, M. Davainis-Silvestraitis did not record anything of the same kind, although he studiously recorded all the similar 'ales, narrated by different informants. [From the publication]

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2025-02-25 11:26:33
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