XIX amžiaus visuomenės profesionalizacijos ir socialinės sąveikos problemos Vakarų Europos istoriografijoje

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
XIX amžiaus visuomenės profesionalizacijos ir socialinės sąveikos problemos Vakarų Europos istoriografijoje
Alternative Title:
Problems of professionalization and social interaction of the 19th century society in the Western European historiography
In the Journal:
Lituanistica. 2013, Nr. 1, p. 24-33
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje siekiama aptarti Vakarų Europos mokslinę istorinę literatūrą, atspindinčią pagrindines profesionalizacijos tyrimų tendencijas bei išvadas, bandoma pasižiūrėti į profesionalizaciją kaip luominės visuomenės irimo požymį ir modernėjančios visuomenės socialinę žymę. Straipsnyje aptarta ta istoriografija, kuri sprendžia tris pagrindines problemas. Pirmiausia formuoja profesijos apibrėžimus, tinkančius istoriniams tyrimams, antra, siekia išskirti ir apibūdinti tuos bruožus, kurie būdingi visuomenės profesionalizacijai būtent XIX amžiuje. Atskirai aptarti tyrimai, nagrinėjantys profesionalizacijos poveikį visuomenės socialinės struktūros pokyčiams, naujų socialinių grupių susidarymui ir vertybinių nuostatų susiformavimui. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Profesionalizacija; 19 amžius; Socialinė struktūra; Modernizacija; Professionalization; 19th century; Social structure; Modernization.

ENBased on the analysis of the Western European historiography, three main features were accentuated that characterize professionalism in the society of the nineteenth century. The professional legal basis of the authorities like a pair of scissors “cut” the former social order of the society, and social origins and professional mastery lost its legal links. Unlike previous times, under the conditions of modernization the state authorities, not subgroups of the society, created necessary theoretical and practical knowledge and proficiency testing schemes for every profession. The qualification inspection system and professional law used to separate “ours” from “aliens” have become the basic assumptions to form one or another collective group of professional integration, to develop self-control mechanisms and appropriate self-presentation techniques. Based on the nineteenth century occupation policy, one or the other profession tried not only to preserve and enhance the acquisition of social and legal status, but also sought to influence public policy for education, health, defence, economic development, and founded some modern nationalism ideologies. The way of regulation of public professionalism has also been an integral part of the national policy of the government. In Western European historiography, research of professionalization is primarily used as one of the approaches to study changes in the social structure of society. In terms of modernization, vocational description no longer reflected and represented the social status of one or another social group, eventually the professional basis became a form of interaction of various social groups.On the basis of researches of professionalization in Western European historiography, the author determined and evaluated the vertical mobility of society, an impact of professionalization on internal changes of traditional social groups and formation of new social groups, primarily intellectuals, and characterized the decomposition process of the caste structure, in terms of speed and scale. Based on the studies of professional social genealogy and the level of vocational education, the author also made conclusions on changes of thought and behavior patterns of individual groups which were determined by changes of the social prestige of profession in different groups of the society. [From the publication]

0235-716X; 2424-4716
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