LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Gyvenimo kokybė; Kaliniai; Nuteistieji; Suaugusieji; Vyrai; ŽIV (AIDS); Adults; HIV-infected; Males; Prisoners; Quality of life.
ENThe aim of this research is to compare HIV-infected and HI V-uninfected male prisoners’ quality of life peculiarity. Using Ferrans and Powers (1985) Quality of Life Index (QLI), which measure general QOL and four domains - health and functioning, social and economic, psychological-spiritual, and family - 210 young adults (22-34 years) prisoners were interviewed. 105 of them are HIV positive. 75.7% acquired HIV in 2002-2003 75.0% in prison, 64.8% using intravenous drugs. The Cronbach alpha coefficient for the QOL-L was 0.97. Research show, that general OOL of prisoners is 17.04. Scores of 19 and below indicate a poorer quality of life. Analysis between HIV-uninfected and HIV-infected prisoners show, that HIV-infected have low QOL, then HIV uninfected respondents. Four domains analysis show, that HIV-uninfected respondents in all domains (health and functioning, social and economic, psychological-spiritual, and family) have better QOL and there is statistically significantly differences in health and functioning, social and economic and psychological-spiritual domains (p < 0.05). The best differences between groups are in health and functioning and psychological-spiritual domains. [Text from author]