Būsimųjų mokytojų savivertė ir psichologinė savijauta mokantis

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Būsimųjų mokytojų savivertė ir psichologinė savijauta mokantis
Alternative Title:
Self-evaluation and psychological inner state in the process of learning of future teachers
In the Journal:
Ugdymo psichologija. 2005, Nr. 15, p. 48-56
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama psichologijos ir lietuvių filologijos specialybių studentų savivertė ir psichologinė savijauta mokantis. Akcentuojamas studentų savivertės ir vidinės motyvacijos dirbti pedagoginį darbą ryšys, savivertės vaidmuo psichologinių būsenų formavimesi bei būsimųjų mokytojų savivertės tyrimų aktualumas dėl būsimųjų pedagogų savivertės lygio įtakos jų būsimiems mokiniams. Tyrimo duomenys atskleidė, kad psichologijos specialybės studentų savivertė (taip pat ir savivaizdis pagal visus pateiktus kriterijus) bei psichologinė savijauta mokantis universitete yra aukštesnė nei lietuvių filologijos specialybės studentų. Gauti duomenys taip pat leidžia daryti išvadą, kad studentų psichologinė savijauta mokantis universitete yra susijusi su jų savivertė. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Psichologinė savijauta mokantis; Savivertė; Studentas; Studentas, būsimasis mokytojas; Psychological inner state in the process of learning; STUDENT; Self-evaluation.

ENThe objectives of the research: to analyse the self-evaluation; To compare self- evaluation and psychological inner state in the process of learning of students’ of psychology and Lithuanian philology; To ascertain the relation between students' self-evaluation and psychological inner state in the process of learning; The object of the research - self-evaluation of future teachers' and their psychological inner state in the process of learning. According to the material presented in the theoretical part of the work, such hypotheses have been posed: self evaluation and psychological inner state in the process of leaming of psychology of future teachers differ from self-evaluation and psychological inner state in the process of learning of Lithuanian philology future teachers; There is a relation between future teachers' self-evaluation and psychological inner state in the process of learning. The investigation had been carried out in Vilnius Pedagogical University, in the faculties of pedagogy - psychology and Lithuanian philology. 340 investigative participated in the research. 181 (53.23%) investigative were students of Lithuanian philology. 159 (46.76%) - students of psychology. During the quantitative research Beresnevičienė's (1995) technique (the scale of self- evaluation semantic differential), Beresnevičienė's (1995) technique (psychological inner state in the process of learning) was used, Rosenbergs (1965) self-esteem scale was used in measuring students' self-evaluation.In order to estimate the inner validity of D. Beresnevičienė's (1995) scale of self-evaluation the intercorrelative analysis of separate statements and factorial intercorrelative analysis had been carried out, which showed that correlation rates of separate statements are statistically meaningful and they range from 0,202 to 0,511, Cronbach alpha is 0,8070; this indicates strong inner consistency of the scale. While comparing self-evaluation of students of psychology and Lithuanian philology (Rosenber, self-esteem scale, (1965)) it was ascertained that self-evaluation of psychology students is higher than that of Lithuanian philology students (t(338) = 3,401, p < 0,001). While analysing different criteria of self-evaluation it was ascertained that psychology students self- evaluation themselves higher according to the criteria of fineness (t(337,554)=4,256, p < 0,001), intelligence (t(336,240) = 3,189, p < 0,002), dexterity (t(336,263) = 2,518, p < 0,012) than students of Lithuanian philology. While analysing different criteria of psychological inner state in the process of learning (Beresnevičienė's (1995) technique psychological inner state in the process of learning) it was ascertained that psychology students themselves higher according to the all criteria than students of Lithuanian philology. The research also confirmed the second hypothesis that there is a relation between future teachers’ self-evaluation and psychological inner state in the process of learning. [From the publication]

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