Vietovės kultūrinio tapatumo semantinio modelio struktūra

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vietovės kultūrinio tapatumo semantinio modelio struktūra
Alternative Title:
Structure of semantic model for locality's cultural identity
In the Journal:
Urbanistika ir architektūra. 2003, t. 27, Nr. 3, p. 99-110
Summary / Abstract:

LTTai, kad vietovės kultūrinio tapatumo nustatymo ir respektavimo procese labai svarbūs yra semantiniai modeliai, pristatantys vietovės raidos atminties modelius, taip pat vietovėje esančių objektų tipologinius modelius, kurių dalyvavimas projektavimo ir tvarkymo procese gali užtikrinti vietovės kultūrinio tapatumo respektavimą, kad semantiniai modeliai susieja skirtingus egzistavimo lygmenis, aktualius kūrybinės veiklos lauke, kad jų dėka galimas grįžtamasis sprendimo perstruktūravimas, jau buvo autoriaus nurodyta [1, 2]. Šiame straipsnyje detaliau negu minėtuose autoriaus straipsniuose išnagrinėti vietovės kultūrinio tapatumo semantinio modeliavimo struktūriniai principai, siūloma optimali semantinio modelio struktūra, taip pat supažindinama su konkrečių Lietuvos vietovių kultūrinio tapatumo semantiniais modeliais. [Iš Įvado]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Invariantas ir variantas; Semantinio modeliavimo principai; Statistiniai metodai; Vietovės kultūrinio tapatumo semantinis modelis; Vietovės kultūrinis tapatumas; Cultural identity of a locality; Cultural identity of locality; Invariant and variant; Semantic model of the locus cultural identity; Semantic modelling principales; Semantic modelling principles; Statistical methods.

ENStructural principles for semantic modelling of locality's cultural identity and an optimal structure of semantic models as well as some examples of semantic identity models regarding certain Lithuanian localities presented by the author of this paper are discussed. The semantic models of the locus identity should be based on the following points. In these models different ontological levels when treating certain aspects (of a dynamic and static character) of the same thing should be configured and a metological context stated. Structural elements analogical to the shifter category in linguistics that have no meaning by themselves but play an important role as elements of metalanguage revealing the very essence of the act of communication thus allow to indicate a concrete individual situation, e g of a concrete locality. Some other elements possess the status of invariant, i.e. presenting a set of rules for processing the identity of a locality that serves as a matrix of the process. Others pointing to a concrete group of physical objects representing a certain architectural environment in more or less concrete time and space parameters demonstrate the status of variant. So it follows that the model embraces the codes of the development as the locus memory. Architectural activity in a certain locality can be successful and its cultural identity is preserved only, if the codes and rules are respected. Both for invariant and variant entities, the geometrical codification based on the same principles of presenting the structure makes a background for the later use of the invariant as an impulse in an indirect way orienting a creative architectural process while working with a certain variant.For revealing the entities of an invariant in the array of earlier produced variants, the statistical methods or unstrict qualitative methods of content analysis should be applied. Such an analysis allows to find out the matrix of the rules (codes) of the process. The main elements of the rule are: 1) the concept, i. e. the name of a certain physical object or phenomenon that usually exists within the orbit of variants and 2) the marker of this concept role in a certain context which is defined on the basis of modelling the locus history. The results of the analysis should be presented with the use of a special configurational model that is prepared exclusively for a concrete individual locus. In fact such a model would represent the semantic model of the cultural identity of a locality. It should consist of a set of special maps of localities and formalized information introducing relations among spatial, temporal and conceptual elements. The paper also presents brief data about semantic models regarding the cultural identities of three localities in the city of Kaunas, i.e. the Unity Square and two blocks on Laisvės Avenue. [Text from author]

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