Produktų demonstravimo lietuviškuose vaidybiniuose filmuose ypatumai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Produktų demonstravimo lietuviškuose vaidybiniuose filmuose ypatumai
Alternative Title:
Peculiarities of product placement in Lithuanian movies
In the Journal:
Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai [Management of Organizations: Systematic Research]. 2013, Nr. 65, p. 77-93
Kinas / Cinema; Rinka. Rinkodara / Market. Marketing.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojami produktų demonstravimo lietuviškuose vaidybiniuose filmuose ypatumai. Lietuvoje vis daugiau pastatoma pramoginio pobūdžio filmų, kurie yra puiki terpė produktų demonstravimui. Siekiant straipsnio tikslo, analizuojama moksline literatūra ir analizės pagrindu kuriamas tyrimo instrumentas, keliamos hipotezės, kurios tvirtinamos, atliekant lietuviškų vaidybinių filmų turinio analizę. Tyrimo rezultate nustatomos produktų demonstravimo lietuviškuose vaidybiniuose filmuose tendencijos bei šios pardavimų skatinimo priemonės taikymo klaidos. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuviški filmai; Pardavimų skatinimas; Produktų demonstravimas; Lithuanian movies; Product placement; Sales promotion.

ENThe scientific problem analysed in the article is formulates as follows: how product placement is used in Lithuanian movies. The object of the article is product placement in Lithuanian movies, and the aim is to analyse the peculiarities of product placement in Lithuanian movies. Following methods were used to reveal the problem and reach the aim. Theoretical analysis of scientific literature was provided to construct the framework for the research. The analysis of current usage of product placement in Lithuanian movies was provided using the method of qualitative content analysis. Lithuanian movies created in 1991-2010 were chosen for the research; 355 cases of different usages of product placement and 218 different products were registered, 175 different brands (brand repetition in different movies was not estimated) were observed in the movies analysed. As the result it can be stated that the most popular product category for product placement in Lithuanian movies was found to be alcoholic beverages; also, automobile brands were popular. The research of product placement in Lithuanian movies helped to distinguish two main related problems: while using product placement in Lithuanian movies, the opportunity to create positive product-associations for viewers is not exploited properly; companies do not provide the definitive model of product usage for consumers; the model should suggest viewers the possibilities of product usage.Almost a half of cases of product placement in Lithuanian movies were observed in scenes which do not create any emotions to viewer; therefore, such product placement has no emotional implications. The incomplete exploitation of the opportunities provided by product placement in movies can be called as the main problem found during the research. Business organizations endeavouring to use product placement in Lithuanian movies as a tool of promotions should consider congruence of the scenes of product usage in movies and in real life. In some cases product placement was found to be used in negative scenes; such usage of the promotional tool can affect product or brand image negatively. Moreover, a prolonged product life-time should be considered. Endeavouring to avoid latter mentioned mistakes, business organizations need to use systematic planning of product placement in movies and integrate this activity with other elements of promotional mix. [From the publication]

1392-1142; 2335-8750
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2018-12-17 13:33:33
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