Darnaus vystymosi vertinimas kaimiškajame rajone : Rietavo savivaldybės atvejis

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Darnaus vystymosi vertinimas kaimiškajame rajone: Rietavo savivaldybės atvejis
Alternative Title:
Assessment of sustainable development in rural district: case study of Rietavas municipality
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Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojamas darnaus vystymosi vertinimas kaimiškojoje savivaldybėje. Išnagrinėti Rietavo savivaldybės strateginio plėtros plano įgyvendinimo priežiūros proceso veiksniai. Savivaldos institucijos veiklos darnai įvertinti pasirinktas integruoto darnaus vystymosi indekso metodas. Aplinkosaugos, ekonomikos ir socialinio vystymosi darnai vertinti išskirta po tris statistinius rodiklius, atspindinčius šių sričių ypatybes. Integruoto darnaus vystymosi indekso kaita liudija, kad Rietavo savivaldybės vystymasis 2006-2010 m. buvo netolygus ir nedarnus. Ekonominis ir aplinkos vystymas iš dalies spartėjo naudojant išteklius, kurie galėjo būti skirti socialinei raidai. Šiuos pokyčius lėmė neigiami socialinės aplinkos būklės pokyčiai savivaldybėje, pvz., itin didelis nedarbas. Rietavo savivaldybės vadovams būtina susirūpinti atskirų gyvenimo sričių vystymosi darna, ypač atkreipiant dėmesį į socialinės aplinkos tobulinimo naujų galimybių paiešką. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Aplinkos būklė; Darnaus vystymosi indeksas; Darnus vystymasis; Ekonomikos plėtotė; Ekonomikos plėtra; Integruotas darnaus vystymo indeksas; Integruotas darnaus vystymosi indeksas; Socialiniai pokyčiai; Strateginis planavimas; Condition of environment; Economic development; Integrated sustainable development index; Social development; Strategic development plan; Strategic planning; Sustainable development; Sustainable development index.

EN[...] Research aim is to evaluate sustainability of development of rural Rietavas Municipality. Factors of process of supervision of strategic development plan of Rietavas Municipality are analysed. A 3-level institutional structure of supervision, i.e. political, administrative, and public, is emphasized; major tasks for it are specified. Various patterns and methods are used for evaluation of sustainable development. Evaluation of sustainability becomes one of the factors in decision-making. Any further actions of sustainable planning are based on feedback on the current situation. Evaluation of sustainable development and the instruments thereof keep getting better, recommendations for new application are suggested, experience is analysed. Modular indicators, combined criteria, indexes are defined. The indicators are used for assessment of sustainable development, involvement of the concerned parties, diversions, conflict solution, and seeking for agreement (Ciegis, Tamošiūnas, Ramanauskienė, Navickas, 2010; Ciegis, Ramanauskienė, 2011). Integrated Sustainable Development Index of 2006-2010 of Rietavas Municipality is provided as one of the possible criteria for evaluation of sustainability. Calculations have been made on the basis of recommendations given by Ciegis et al. (2010, 2011). Lithuanian Department of Statistics, Plungė Labour Exchange, Rietavas Municipality Administration as well as subordinate organizations have been the sources of data. It must be noted that a number of statistical indicators are collected only on the national level or the level of county or district, therefore, it is impossible to evaluate the weighted indexes of particular indicators characterizing the territory of Rietavas Municipality.Therefore, the method of base weighted indexes level has been selected - index of base (reporting) year has been distributed in equal parts to all 3 equal spheres where all indexes have been evaluated on the basis of even weighted indexes. Year 2006 has been selected as the base year for evaluation of sustainable development of Rietavas Municipality; index of the base year (100) has been divided in equal parts (33.33 each) to indexes ofeconomics, social development, and condition of environment. 3 indicators have been selected in order to reflect economic development of Rietavas Municipality: foreign direct investments (FDI) for one resident; area under organic farming in comparison to the total area of land used; number of cars older than 10 years for 1000 of residents. The index of social development is revealed by the following indicators: unemployment rate emphasizing activity of residents; number of crimes indicating the Municipality's ability to ensure safety of its residents; population mortality from various diseases, number of the deceased to evaluate the quality of health care system. Indicators reflecting the environmental condition of Rietavas Municipality are: air pollution from stationary sources; quantity of polluted and insufficiently treated wastewater discharged to surface water; forest area in comparison to area of the municipality. The calculations made show a rather significant deterioration of social situation in Rietavas Municipality during the period under analysis: unemployment rate increased almost 5 times, population mortality increased approximately 1.5 times. [...]. [From the publication]

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