Bendro vardiklio beieškant: Lietuvos energetinio saugumo orientyrai ekspertiniu požiūriu

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Bendro vardiklio beieškant: Lietuvos energetinio saugumo orientyrai ekspertiniu požiūriu
Alternative Title:
Searching for common denominator - the guidelines of Lithuania's energy security in expert point of view
In the Journal:
Politikos mokslų almanachas. 2012, [T.] 12, p. 63-84
Summary / Abstract:

LTEnergetikos sistemos funkcionavimas ir plėtra yra susiję su visuomenės gerove. Tiesiogiai ar netiesiogiai ji paliečia ekonominę, politinę, sveikatos, ekologinę ir socialinę sritis. Turint omenyje kompleksinę energetikos sistemos problematiką bei iš to plaukiančias daugiaaspektes energetinio saugumo aktualijas, darosi akivaizdu, jog, nustatant pagrindines energetikos sistemos rizikas ir grėsmes, svarbu racionaliai, argumentuotai ir išsamiai išsiaiškinti probleminius energetinio saugumo klausimus. Šiame straipsnyje keliamas tikslas – ištirti ir pristatyti Lietuvos energetinio saugumo orientyrus ekspertiniu požiūriu. Analizuojant ekspertų požiūrį į galimus energetinio saugumo orientyrus išryškėja dvi pozicijos: pirmoji – energetinio saugumo orientyrai turėtų būti grindžiami ekonomine nauda; antroji – politiniu tikslu turėti savarankiškus energijos generavimo šaltinius. Ekspertų nuomone, pagrindiniai šalies energetinio saugumo orientyrai – energijos tiekėjų bei išteklių diversifikacija, leidžianti pasiekti politinius savarankiškos energetikos politikos tikslus, ir konkurencijos didinimas, laiduojantis ekonominę naudą, užsitikrinus pigių energijos produktų apsirūpinimą. Anot informantų, tikėtina, jog sėkmingas šių tikslų įgyvendinimas garantuotų energetinį saugumą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ekspertinis požiūris; Energetinis saugumas; Rizika ir pavojai; Energy security; Expert point of view; Risk and danger.

ENThe operation and development of energetic system is related to public welfare. Directly and indirectly it affects economic, political, health, environmental and social areas. Having in mind the complicated nature of energetic system and multifaceted concern of energy security, it becomes clear that identification of the risks and dangers of energetic system requires rational, reasoned and clarified point of view. Therefore, the aim of the article is to investigate and present the guidelines of Lithuania’s energy security from the experts’ point of view. Two approaches could be identified when analyzing the guidelines of energy security from the experts’ point of view. Following the first approach, the guidelines of energy security should be based on the economic benefits; while the second perspective is focusing on the political objectives to secure independent sources of energy generation. Therefore, according to the experts, the guidelines of Lithuania’s energy security should be twofold: diversification of energy resources and suppliers (which would help to achieve political goal – to have a more independent generation of energy resources); and increasing competition in energy market (which would allow to achieve economic benefits, i.e. reach relevant cost of energy products). According to the experts interviewed, it is likely that successful realization of these goals would ensure energy security. The research showed that experts analyzing energy security were focusing on the aspects (which later became the evaluation criteria) of the area that they represent. For example, the economist emphasized the importance of economic calculations, political scientists argued about political scenario modeling; technicians were concerned with the technical system reliability, etc.The bias of the experts not only creates difficulties in identification of the key risks and dangers of energetic system, but it also becomes problematic to objectively evaluate the importance of specific projects aiming to ensure the energy security in the country. [From the publication]

2029-0225; 2335-7185
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