Biblinių ir hagiografinių siužetų plėtotė tradiciniame lietuvių folklore

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Biblinių ir hagiografinių siužetų plėtotė tradiciniame lietuvių folklore
Alternative Title:
Development of Biblical and hagiographic plots in traditional Lithuanian folklore
In the Journal:
Lietuvos etnologija. 2012, 12 (21), p. 123-144. Religijos etnologija ir liaudiškasis pamaldumas
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama biblinių bei hagiografinių siužetų plėtotė tradiciniame lietuvių folklore. Siekiama išsiaiškinti, kaip ir kokie Biblijoje bei krikščioniškojoje hagiografijoje žinomi siužetai atspindimi lietuvių folkloro kūriniuose, kokie personažai juose vaizduojami, kokia jų veikla bei asmeniniai bruožai labiausiai akcentuojami. Tyrinėtojų dėmesio susilaukė šventųjų, vaizduojamų lietuvių liaudies mene, papročiuose, kalendoriuje, funkcijos, išorės atributų analizė. Tačiau Šventajame Rašte, apokrifinėje bei hagiografinėje literatūroje žinomų siužetų, aptinkamų tradiciniame lietuvių kultūros kontekste, interpretacijos iki šiol menkai teanalizuotos. Tokių siužetų liaudiškoji traktuotė aktuali liaudies pamaldumo tyrinėjimams, padedantiems geriau suprasti tradicinės lietuvių kultūros ir krikščionybės santykį. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Biblijiniai siužetai, hagiografiniai siužetai; Hagiografinė literatūra; Krikščionių šventieji; Liaudies pamaldumas; Lietuvių folkloras; Tradicinis lietuvių fokloras; Švenčiausioji Mergelė Marija; Biblical scenes; Christian saints; Folk piety; Hagiographic literature; Hagiographic plots; Lithuanian folklore; Traditional Lithuanian Folklore; Virgin Mary.

ENArticle analyses the development of biblical and hagiographic plots in traditional Lithuanian folklore narratives. The aim of the research is to find out which stories, known in Bible and hagiographic literature, are developed in Lithuanian folklore; what characters are portrayed, which functions are shown and characteristics are mostly emphasized. In scientific literature the interpretations of stories about saints, found in Scripture, apocrypha and hagiographic literature and known in the context of traditional Lithuanian culture, has been poorly analysed. The analysis of folk narratives about lives of saints is relevant in studies of folk piety and provides a better understanding of the ratio of traditional Lithuanian culture and Christianity. Folk devotion and piety spreads in different forms of personal religious prac tices and various religious traditions. Religious narratives depict personal religious experience stories and illustrate the lives of holy people. The cult of saints, especially enlarged during the Middle Ages, influenced both private and public lives of ordinary people. When the Reformation became less acute, the stories about saints became more and more popular, together with the entrenchment of the Catholic Church. A great many of these stories may have had a significant impact on Lithuanian folk narratives about various saints.The narratives about saints, analysed in the article, existed in traditional Lithuanian culture and reflect its different layers. The term "traditional culture" is understood as the culture which was passed through generations and retained old cultural forms, symbols and different meanings. Lithuanian folklore narratives, recorded at the end of 19th century and in the beginning of 20th, are treated as traditional folklore. Yet some traditional folklore narratives occur among later recordings as well. The article focuses on the life stories of saints, which eventually became legends about their miraculous activities, extraordinariness, martyrdom and wonders. Legends tell us about special devotion, the care of person and Christian values. Peculiar folk interpretations of biblical motives were replicated, not just in different legends, but also in other folklore genres, e. g., various scenes of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the baby Christ or the image of the Holy Family are found in narratives of revelations, origin legends, incantations, sometimes in orations and other genres. [...]. [From the publication]

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