Kuncų parapija 1569 m. bažnytinės vizitacijos duomenimis

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kuncų parapija 1569 m. bažnytinės vizitacijos duomenimis
Alternative Title:
Kuncai parish: the data of church visitation of 1569
In the Journal:
Acta historica universitatis Klaipedensis [AHUK]. 2012, t. 25, p. 212-221. Klaipėdos krašto konfesinis paveldas: tarpdisciplininiai senųjų kapinių tyrimai
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariami Kuršių nerijos Kuncų parapijos 1569 m. vizitacijos teikiami duomenys visų tuo metu vizituotų Sembos vyskupijos parapijų kontekste. Mėginama apžvelgti konfesinių normų įsitvirtinimo kasdienybėje mastą, bažnyčios tarnų išsilavinimo kokybę, parapijiečių indoktrinacijos lygį, parapijos materialinę padėtį ir kt. Į vizitacijos aktus norima pažvelgti per konfesionalizacijos koncepcijos aspektą, įžvelgti šio proceso bruožus: kunigų asmens ir tarnybos ištyrimą, konfesijos pagrindu vykdytą pavaldinių kontrolę, pasaulietinių ir dvasinių valdžios institucijų bendradarbiavimą ir kt. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bažnyčių vizitacija; Konfesionalizacija; Kuncai; Kuršių nerija; Church visitation; Confessionalization; Kuncai; The Curonian Spit.

ENKuncai visitation of 1569 is the first broad narative about the Curonian Spit that provides reliable data about the life in the parish: the scale of rooting of confessional standards in everyday life, the quality of clergymen‘s education, the level of parishioners‘ indoctrination, the financial situation of the parish, etc. In 2001, thanks to the collaboration of German and Polish historians, Acts of Visitations of 18 parishes of Samba diocese, including Kuncai, were published. The publication provides a basis for comparison to establish whether the parish of Kuncai was in some way exclusive, how it was exclusive, and what it looked like in the context of neighbouring parishes. The visitation acta in question are looked at through the prism of the conception of confessionalization, i.e. an attempt is made to see not merely the evolution of the church and its structures, but also to observe how, on the basis of the confession, a total control of the subordinates was attempted to introduce, how deeply the confessional standards were rooted , or, on the contrary, were merely superficial in the public and private life of the community, how close the collaboration between the secular and the church institutions was, and how numerous church ordinances and provisions were reflected in a remote parish of the Duchy of Prussia. The texts of visitation acts enable one to establish the character of visitations of the time, to quess the objectives set by the Prussian Church for itself, the problems sought to address, and the maladies sought to remove. All that partly accounts for the fact why some areas of the parish life were paid particular attention, and some were looked at as if in a formal way. The provided opportunity to compare visitation acts with almost simultaneously approved Church provisions and visitation instructions enables to establish how much the visitor of the parishes was guided by, and kept in mind, the said instructions.The visitation report disclosed the difficulties and inconveniences caused by geographical and natural conditions which were attempted to deal with and to fight against. Exclusive attention to the financial situation of the parish witnesses the efforts to establish a new way of financial provision of churches established by legal documents of 1525-1568. All that demonstrates the start of a new church and parish formation process in the region. The visitation prompts the beginning of confessionalization in the parish. To start with, the very fact of visitation is to be considered one of more significant segments of confessionalization manifestations. A qualitative analysis of the priest‘s personality and his service, control of parishioners expressed through the lists of church fees, involvement of secular authorities, in our case, of Landvogts, due to their status and authorizations are to be considered as significant symptoms of the starting process of confessionalization. The data of visitations also lead to certain assumptions about the ethnic, social, and economic situation of the Curonian Spit at the time. [From the publication]

1392-4095; 2351-6526
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