Ikonoklastinė polemika LDK. Vieno veikalo istorijos pinklės

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ikonoklastinė polemika LDK. Vieno veikalo istorijos pinklės
Alternative Title:
Iconoclastic controversy in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The tangled story of one work
In the Journal:
Literatūra [Lit. (Vilnius. Online)] [Literature]. 2012, t. 54 (1), p. 7-18
Andrius Volanas (Andreas Volanus, Andrzej Wolan); Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Ikonografija / Iconography; Krikščionybė. Teologija / Christianity. Theology.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pateikiamos įvadinės pastabos apie ikonoklastinės polemikos LDK tyrimus ir pagrindžiamas jų aktualumas. Apžvelgiami XVI a. pradžios ir vidurio tekstai, kuriuose pastebima ikonoklastinio mąstymo užuominų ir pristatomi iki šiol paskiri istoriografų aprašyti faktai apie svarbiausią ikonoklastinės polemikos LDK veikalą – 1583 m. išspausdintą Andriaus Volano Vilniaus lojolininkų stabmeldystės pasmerkimą. Faktus siejant į rišlų pasakojimą nustatomos istorijos „baltosios dėmės“ ir įvardijamos tolesnių tyrimų gairės. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Andrius Volanas; Ikonoklastika; Ikonoklastinė polemika; Katalikybė; Komparatyvistika; Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės literatūra; Protestantizmas; Religinės polemikos; Andrius Volanas; Catholicism; Comparative literature; Iconoclastic; Iconoclastic polemics; Literature of Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Protestantism; Religious disputes.

ENArticle presents some introductory notes on research into the iconoclastic controversy in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and suggests reasons for their relevance. Writingsfrom the early and mid-16th century which show traces of iconoclastic thought are presented. In his poem "De vita et gestis Divi Hyacinthi carmen" (1525), Mykolas Husovianas introduces the reader to the growing ‘Lutheran heresy’ in Western Europe, which also had an iconoclastic aspect. In the treatise by Mykolas Lietuvis "De moribus Tartarorum, Lituanorum et Moscorum fragmina X, multipli historia referta" (written in 1550, and printed in 1615), we can perceive not a conscious iconoclastic stance but rather a humanist criticism. A more conscious attempt to criticise the visuality of faith was made by Mikalojus Radvila Juodasis. His long letter to the papal nuncio Aloisio Lippomano (Duae epistolae, 1556) explains his intentions to form a separate Vilnius church, which would also have iconoclastic traits. The article also reviews the historiographically, but only separately, described facts about the most important work of iconoclastic polemics of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Andrius Volanas "Idololatriae Loiolitarum Vilnensium oppugnatio", which was printed in 1583. The author highlights a lot of questions posed by the work, the solutions to which might allow us to judge the extent of iconoclastic thought and the importance of religiousimagery in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. By connecting the facts to a coherent narrative, the article identifies ‘blank spots’ in history, and suggests areas for further research. [From the publication]

0258-0802; 1648-1143
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2022-01-17 13:25:42
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