LTSvarbi reikšmė Lietuvos kaimo plėtros procese šiandien teikiama kaimiškųjų regionų vystymui, kuris grindžiamas darniu darbo vietų kūrimu, stiprinančiu kaimo vietovių konkurencingumą. Straipsnyje analizuojamos darnaus sampratos vystymo ištakos bei raida, apžvelgiami teoriniai darbo vietų vystymo aspektai bei analizuojama darnaus darbo vietų vystymo kaimiškuose regionuose problematika. Atliktos analizės pagrindu parengtas darnaus darbo vietų vystymo kaimiškuosiuose regionuose koncepcinis modelis. Rengiant straipsnį naudotasi surinkta mokslinių tyrimų medžiaga vykdant Lietuvos mokslo tarybos patvirtintą projektą „Darnus ir subalansuotas darbo vietų vystymas kaimiškuose regionuose“ (pagal nacionalinę mokslo programą „Socialiniai iššūkiai nacionaliniam saugumui“). [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Darbo vietų vystymas; Darnus regionų vystymas; Darnus vystymas; Darnus vystymas, Darbo vietų vystymas; Kaimiškųjų regionų vystymas; Rural regional development; Sustainable development; Work places development.
ENWork places development in rural areas is one of the most important tasks for the European Union and Lithuania in implementation of agricultural and rural development policies and its priorities. Today, a significant role in the Lithuanian rural development process is given to the development of rural regions, based on coherent and sustainable work places creation in rural areas. The research problems were analyzed in the article as the following questions: What are the theoretical assumptions of work places development? What makes sustainable and balanced work places development in rural areas? The concepts of sustainable development, an overview of the theoretical aspects of work places development and analysis of sustainable work places development in rural areas are presented in the article. Based on the analysis, the conceptual model of sustainable work places development in rural regions was developed. The analysis has shown that work places development is based on the principles of industrial market economies, organization and its business development, integration into environmental dependence. Not only organization development and its integration into environment, but also the development of the territories influences the development of work places in rural areas. Therefore, sustainable development of work places in rural areas leads to economic and social development of organizations and local self-government, rural development direction in rural areas. The research was financed by the support from the Research Council of Lithuania according to the National Research Programme “Social Challenges for National Security”. [From the publication]