Viešojo sektoriaus institucijų strateginis planavimas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Viešojo sektoriaus institucijų strateginis planavimas
Alternative Title:
Strategic planning of public sector institutions
In the Journal:
Viešasis administravimas [Public Administration]. 2004, Nr. 4, p. 64-78
Summary / Abstract:

LTInstitucijų veikla pagrįsta strateginio planavimo principais, išreiškiančiais institucijos veiklos, orientuotos į perspektyvą, siekius ir šių siekių įgyvendinimui keliamus reikalavimus, yra svarbi sąlyga užtikrinti darnią valstybės plėtrą. Vis dėlto šalies teisės aktuose institucijų strateginis planavimas išsamiau reglamentuotas procedūrų atžvilgiu, o tokie klausimai kaip strateginio planavimo sprendimus lemiančių aplinkybių diagnozavimas ir vertinimas, strateginio planavimo sprendimų apribojimų ir kriterijų nustatymas, strateginio planavimo sprendimų alternatyvų formavimas ir šių alternatyvų vertinimas, tinkamiausios alternatyvos pasirinkimas iš esmės nereglamentuoti. Institucijų strateginis planavimas yra sudėtingas procesas, kuris prasideda nuo institucijų aplinkos ir išteklių analizės bei vertinimo, pagal šio vertinimo išvadas formuojama institucijų misija, nustatomi misijos įgyvendinimo strateginiai tikslai, šiems tikslams įgyvendinti rengiamos programos. Esama padėtis, kai formaliai atliekamas institucijų strateginis planavimas nesudaro prielaidų vis geriau tenkinti visuomenės poreikius ir interesus, kelia būtinybę tobulinti institucijų strateginį planavimą. Siūlomos institucijų strateginio planavimo tobulinimo kryptys orientuotos į institucijos strateginio veiklos plano programų rengimą. Siekiant parengti efektyvias programas, būtinas strateginio planavimo modelis, kuris sudarytų prielaidas parengti programas atsižvelgiant į kintančias išorinės aplinkos sąlygas ir institucijų veiklos galimybes, skatintų programų konkurenciją siekiant parinkti tinkamiausias institucijų strateginiams tikslams bei valstybės prioritetams įgyvendinti. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ekonomika; Institucija; Institucijos; Planavimo principai; Plėtra; Strateginis planas; Strateginis planavimas; Valdymo instrumentas; Viešasis sektorius; Develpoment; Ekonomy; Institution; Institutions; Management Instrument; Planning principles; Public sector; Strategic plan; Strategic planning.

ENIn this article the role and the principles, the legal regulation and the technology of public sector institutions' strategic planning are analyzed and the need for improving strategic planning in such institutions is revealed defining the directions for improvement. The study also investigates preconditions for improvement of public sector institution's strategic planning. Strategic planning is an essential vehicle to enhance the efficiency of institution's activity and its involvement in the state development. Strategic planning creates preconditions for setting up, effective use and purposeful development of institution's activity and the state potential, thus, allowing to stimulate development processes of institution and state as well as to guarantee a certain tendency for these processes. Lithuanian social and economic development, the state competitive capacity and image, its possibilities to use political and financial support from institutions depend on institution's abilities to prepare, adopt and implement effective strategic planning decisions. Preparation of strategic activity plans has to be based on principles that express requirements for content and process of institutions strategic planning. The activity, based on principles of strategic planning that are reflected in the institution perspective-oriented goals and requirements for implementation of these goals within the planning process, is an important precondition to ensure a well-balanced development of the state.However, within the legislation documents of the state, strategic planning of the institutions is being defined in a much more detailed way than the issues of diagnostics and assessment of conditions influencing decision-making of strategic planning, establishment of limitations and criteria for strategic planning decisions, formation and evaluation of the alternatives for strategic planning decisions, as well as the selection of the most relevant alternatives to adopt. Institutional strategic planning is a complex process, which begins with the analysis and assessment of the institution's environment and resources, followed by the definition of institution's mission, based on this assessment, and subsequent establishment of strategic goals for the mission fulfillment and preparation of programs for the achievement of these goals. Institutional strategic planning is the implementation of programs for strategic institution activity plan, the analysis and assessment of such programmers’ results and use of this analysis and assessment results for achievement of strategic goals and priorities of institution. The existing situation, when strategic planning of institutions is done rather formally and no preconditions to satisfy the needs and interests of the society are created, causes the necessity to identify means of improving strategic planning in institutions. Preparation of programs for strategic activity plan is one of the most important factors in making decisions that will be applied pursuing institutions' strategic goals.The article suggests directions for the improvement of institutions strategic planning, oriented towards elabouration of the programs determined in the strategic activity plan of an institution. In order to develop efficient programs, it is necessary to create a pattern of strategic planning which could create preconditions for such program preparation with regard to changeable factors of external environment and opportunities for institution activities, thus, urging the competition among such programs and ending up by choosing the most adequate one to the institution strategic goals and completion of the state priorities. This strategic planning model is not feasible without a wide gamut of quantitative decisions, including optimization methods. Integration of various models and methods in decision support system is a guarantee for the implementation of one of the basic management principles, i. e. systemic approach. It allows to achieve the greatest synergy effect in strategic planning of an institution. Implementation of the suggested directions for improvement of institution's strategic planning depends on its personnel qualification and interest as we/las on coordination of personnel decisions and actions. Development of professional qualification, motivation of institution's staffed other persons concerned with institutions activity, reorganization of institutions structure have to be independent and interrelated with creation and implementation of integrated decisions support system. [Text from author]

1648-4541; 2351-7069
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