Lietuvos namų ūkių vartojimo struktūros pokyčių tyrimas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos namų ūkių vartojimo struktūros pokyčių tyrimas
Alternative Title:
Lithuanian household consumption structure and its changes
In the Journal:
Taikomoji ekonomika: sisteminiai tyrimai [Applied economics: systematic research]. 2012, t. 6, Nr. 2, p. 161-177
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatomas tyrimas apie Lietuvos namų ūkių vartojimo struktūrą ir jos pokyčius 2008 - 2011 metais demografinių, socialinių ir kitų ekonominių kintamųjų atžvilgiu. Tyrimas atliktas naudojantis palyginamąja, regresine ir koreliacine analizėmis. Galima pastebėti, kad vartojimo tyrimų nėra daug, o dauguma esamų tyrimų yra informacinio pobūdžio, vyrauja atskiri mikro ar makro lygmens tyrimai. Tyrimo metu nustatyti įvairūs poslinkiai vartojimo struktūroje, o taip pat reikšmingi skirtumai tarp namų ūkių. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Namų ūkio ekonominės funkcijos; Namų ūkio vartojimas; Vartojimas; Vartojimo struktūros dinamika; Consumption; Dynamic of consumption structure; Household consumption; Household economical functions.

ENThe theme of household consumption structure and its dynamics have been researched for many years; however, the duality of this subject allows analysing it each time by different aspects. First of all, the aforementioned phenomenon is influenced by changes of economic environment. The changing household income and taxes, changing products and their prices determine the changes of both consumption level and structure. On the other hand, consumption and its structure are affected by economic environment and demographic conditions. Different consumption between men and women, young and older people, employed and unemployed, those, living in different regions, etc., is often observed. Finally, households themselves are different and constantly changing, with different historical and economic context of surrounding environment, which determines their distinct and changing selections in consumption field. Analysis of changes of consumption and consumption structure as well as identification of their trends is also essential due to the fact that consumption itself is closely related with other economic variables, most importantly – it directly forms a business cycle. This article presents research about Lithuanian household consumption structure and its changes during 2008 - 2011 in respect of demographic, social and other economic variables. The research was carried out, using comparative, regression and correlation analysis. It was noticed that the number of research in consumption field is low, especially in Lithuania. Most of existing research is of information nature or there is separate micro or macro-level research. During the analysed (2008 - 2011) period the income of households was annually decreasing by 6,36 % on average, while the decrease was slowing.Household consumption was also decreasing and the decrease was about 10 % every year. Various shifts in consumption structure as well significant differences among various households were also identified during research. [From the publication]

1822-7996; 2335-8742
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2018-12-17 13:24:36
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