Socialinis dalyvavimas : jaunimo požiūris

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Socialinis dalyvavimas: jaunimo požiūris
Alternative Title:
Social participation: youth approach
In the Journal:
Socialinis ugdymas [Social Education]. 2012, Nr. 20 (31), p. 63-76
Summary / Abstract:

LTVienas pagrindinių švietimo tikslų – padėti asmeniui suvokti save šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje, įgyti kultūrinę ir socialinę kompetenciją ir būti savarankišku, veikliu, atsakingu žmogumi, norinčiu ir gebančiu nuolat mokytis ir kurti savo bei bendruomenės gyvenimą. Šiandienė mokykla kuria palankią mokiniams aplinką, skatinančią siekti tapti visaverčiu visuomenės nariu. Autorės jaunimo socialinį dalyvavimą įvardija kaip vieną svarbiausių asmenybės socializacijos veiksnių, todėl mokinių socialiniam aktyvinimui bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje skiria ypatingą dėmesį. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama jaunimo socialinės veiklos organizavimo ir tobulinimo problematika, pateikiami ir analizuojami empirinio tyrimo duomenys apie dalyvavimo šioje veikloje galimybes, ypač socialiniuose projektuose. Nacionalinių ir tarptautinių mokinių pasiekimų ir empirinio tyrimo duomenų analizės pagrindu autorės daro išvadą, kad mokykla turėtų sudaryti daugiau galimybių mokiniams dalyvauti socialinėje veikloje, t. y. ši veikla galėtų būti aktualesnė ir atitikti pačių mokinių poreikius ir lūkesčius. Tokiu būdu ji sudarytų sąlygas vėlesnei mokinių socialinei integracijai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Socialinis aktyvumas; Socialinis dalyvavimas; Socialinė kompetencija; Socialinė veikla; Socialinę kompetencija; Socializacija; Social activity; Social competence; Social participatio; Social participation; Socialisation; Socialization.

ENAuthors of the article deal with the problem of social participation of students while studying in basic school. One of the most important aims of education is to help them to perceive themselves as a members of community, as a members of the whole society and become an active and creative participant of this society. Contemporary school creates the climate which has to be friendly to each student and has to help them to develop social competences as a main indicator of the creator of society. Social participation of students are seen as a main actor of socialization process. Thus basic school pays strong attention to organization and improvement of social activities in the school as well as outside the school life of students. Social education includes students social and civic culture, embodies humanistic and democratic values and principles and responds to individual and changing needs of the society. Social activities are an integral part of general and basic education. The organization of the educational process, additional education, school-community partnership, communication and cooperation in its relations with the local community promote students social maturity of the whole school community life. Theoretical analysis show that social activities in school educate not only the student’s knowledge, skills and understanding, but also affect in personal and spiritual powers. At the same time it makes an influence on the obligations, the recognition of interest and a desire to discover. It also stimulates to respect their own and others talents, the confidence to initiate change in their powers of recognition initiate.The article analyzes the curricular changes related to the educational objectives and students’ socialization issue reform. Recent curriculum documents such as general and targeted skills training are also overviewed. It analyzes the social value of education, overviewes social competence components and a social organization of general education schools. Authors present and analyse the empirical data on students (250 respondents) attitudes towards social projects. The analysis showed that the students positively evaluated the activities which the school had already developed or the traditions of it were very topical in recent times, this is the prevention, social assistance, the donor activity. During social work students should be provided by easy communicatio and collaboration with friends, learning, gaining new skills. These results can be described as rational needs of the students accumulating experience and acquiring new skills. The data show that it is important for students to help others, as well as participating in social activities they gain self-confidence. The conclusions are developed on the bases of data about improvement of organisation of social activities of students. [From the publication]

1392-9569; 2351-6011
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2025-02-21 14:39:58
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