Optimalios andragoginės sąveikos modeliavimas – sinergetinis pagrindimas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Optimalios andragoginės sąveikos modeliavimas – sinergetinis pagrindimas
Alternative Title:
Modelling of optimal andragogic interaction – synergetic grounding
In the Journal:
Andragogika. 2012, Nr. 3, p. 10-24
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama andragoginė sąveika kaip sociokultūros sistema, grindžiama sinergetikos teorija, kuri gali būti traktuotina kaip nauja mokslinė paradigma, išryškinanti metodologines prielaidas jai optimizuoti. Remtasi dviem metodologinėmis pozicijomis. Pirma, kad andragoginės sąveikos dalyvis, kaip sudėtingos, atviros sociokultūros sistemos elementas, pasižymi tai sistemai charakteringomis savybėmis: nuolatiniu augimu ir vystymusi, vidiniais ir išoriniais ryšiais, pasikeitimu ir prisitaikymu, saviorganizacija ir t. t., kas neišvengiamai lemia jo paties pokyčius, transformacijas. Antra – andragoginė sąveika, kaip sudėtingas socialinis procesas, priklauso sudėtingoms, nelinijinėms, atviroms, nepasikartojančioms (negrįžtamoms) sistemoms, todėl nagrinėjant jas svarbesni ne sistemą sudarantys objektai, o santykiai tarp jų, galintys turėti įtakos tų sistemų pokyčiams. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Andragoginė sąveika; Optimizavimas; Ryšys; Sinergetika; Sinergetinis; Sinergetinis ryšys; Andragogic interaction; Optimization; Synergetic relation; Synergy.

ENArticle analyzes andragogic interaction as a complex and open socio-cultural system, resting on theory of synergy, which could be treated as a new scientific paradigm, spotlighting methodological assumptions for its optimization. When dealing with the process of adult education, as an interaction of teachers and learners as well as interaction of learners themselves, two assumptions were employed. Firstly, each member of andragogic interaction is treated as an element of complex and open socio-cultural system and possesses properties that are typical to that system. They are continuous growth and development, internal and external links, changes and adaptation, self-organization, etc., which would inevitably lead to own changes and transformations. Secondly, andragogic interaction, as a complex social process, is a part of complex, non-linear, open and irreversible systems, so in the process of their analysis attention is focused on their interrelation, predetermining changes in these systems rather than objects that they consist of. In that sense scientific problem is raised: what are assumptions for optimization of andragogic interaction? Aim of the research is to make analysis of assumptions for optimization of andragogic interaction and ground them from the viewpoint of synergy. Conclusions shaped on the basis of theoretical analysis. Andragogic interaction, based on synergetic relations, is able to go as far as to highest level of quality. Synergetic relations could be compared to accelerant, releasing incredible human potential. Synergetic communication and cooperation means that joint contribution of all participants is not assessed as a result of mathematic addition. It can be much higher and expected results can surpass expectations.Methodological assumptions for optimization of andragogic interaction are not related to its participants, their available and continuously improved competences. It is their approach and selection of principles, corresponding to their values and with the help of which they are going to ground their relations. Major principles, on which andragogic interaction is based, are partnership (“we both are winners”), strong reliance on each other and emerging synergetic links. On the basis of these principles changes and transformations take place in andragogic interaction. It all results in interpersonal dependence of autonomous participants, which is the basic assumption for development of efficiency and achievement of optimal results in andragogic interaction. Optimization of andragogic interaction is a continuous search for ways and methods for achievement of higher expression of being. It is not strictly defined by consecutive actions, however, it can be characterized by purposeful combinations of essential concepts: from participant’s dependence in andragogic interaction to his independence (personal transformation); from above independence to interpersonal dependence (transformation of andragogic interaction); from interpersonal dependence to improvement of efficiency in andragogic interaction (optimization of andragogic interaction). [From the publication]

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