Mokytojų kauzalinės atribucijos stiliaus reikšmė paauglių, turinčių specialiųjų poreikių, ugdymo(si) veiklai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokytojų kauzalinės atribucijos stiliaus reikšmė paauglių, turinčių specialiųjų poreikių, ugdymo(si) veiklai
Alternative Title:
Importance of teachers’ causal attribution for the educational activity of teenagers with special needs
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2012, 108, p. 86-95
Summary / Abstract:

LTMokytojo ir mokinio sąveika yra vienas esminių ugdymo veiklos komponentų, lemiančių mokinio savijautą, sėkmę, norą mokytis. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama mokytojo kauzalinės atribucijos stiliaus reikšmė paauglių, turinčių specialiųjų poreikių, ugdymo bendrųjų mokyklų bendrose klasėse veiklai. Nustatyti dominuojantys mokytojų kauzalinės atribucijos stiliai ir jų sąsajos su paauglių išgyvenama sėkme šiais aspektais: domėjimasis mokytojo dėstomu dalyku; pateikiamų užduočių supratimo lygmuo; mokinio skatinimas; bendravimo su dalykų mokytojais ypatumai; pagalbos poreikio įgyvendinimas. Nustatytas tiesioginis paauglių išgyvenamų sėkmės momentų mokykloje ir mokytojo nuostatos į paauglių, turinčių specialiųjų poreikių, ugdymo socioedukacinės įtraukties sąlygomis politiką bei priežasčių, nulemiančių paauglių ugdymo kokybę, aiškinimo stiliaus ryšys. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kauzalinė atribucija; Socioedukacinė įtrauktis; Specialieji poreikiai; Causal attribution style; Socioeducational inclusion; Teenager with special needs.

ENThe article deals with the importance of causal attribution style of teachers working with teenagers with special needs for their pupils’ educational activity. 90 pupils with special needs of the 5th to the 12th forms, who learn under the conditions of socio-educational inclusion, as well as their 103 teaching teachers, were invited to participate in the research. By applying a modified E. M. P. Seligman questionnaire, the teachers’ causal attribution styles were evaluated. The style manifestation level was evaluated on the following scale: optimistic, moderately optimistic, average between optimistic and pessimistic, moderately pessimistic, and pessimistic style. The importance of a teacher’s causal attribution style for the teenager’s educational activity was evaluated in the following aspects: interest in the subject taught, level of perception of tasks given, pupil incentives, communication with subject teachers, and realization of need for assistance. The importance of factors influencing a teacher’s causal attribution style in the aspects of the pupils’ success and failure experienced at school was also analysed. Two scales of factors influencing causal attribution were identified: "Negative–Positive Attribution", which is a teacher’s causal attribution style with regard to the education of pupils with special needs in common classrooms at common schools and "External –Internal Attribution", which is a teacher’s characteristic style of explaining reasons that determine education quality of pupils with special needs, attributing them to internal ones that depend on one’s personality or external ones that do not depend on the personality. The results of the research show that among teachers working with teenagers with special needs, those characterised by optimistic and moderately optimistic causal attribution styles prevail.In most cases, these are teachers whose work experience at school is up to 20 years, and who belong to the qualification category of a teacher or senior teacher. In the distribution of those with work experience at school exceeding 30 years, the teachers’ causal attribution varies between optimistic and pessimistic one. No statistically meaningful differences were identified with this regard; therefore, it may be assumed that a teachers’ causal attribution style is determined by the educational system development processes, rooted social values and the effect of educational paradigms that shape a teacher. While analysing the links between the pupils’ learning success and the teachers’ causal attribution styles, having performed ANOVA dispersion analysis when p <0.05, statistically meaningful differences were identified when the pupils enumerated cases of success in the following areas of learning reality: success experienced during lessons (p = 0.003), interest in subject taught (p = 0.001), good interpersonal relationship with teacher (p = 0.006). The evaluation of other elements influencing the quality of educational activity showed no statistically meaningful differences; however, a number of the results come close to statistical meaningful ones. Nevertheless, comparative analysis of cases of success indicated by the pupils and the components of teachers’ causal attribution on the scales of "Negative-Positive" and "External-Internal" attribution showed statistically very meaningful differences between the cases of success experienced by the teenagers and attribution styles within each scale ("Negative-Positive", p = 0.000; "External-Internal", p = 0.000). The pupils experience success at school when they are taught by teachers characterized by positive or moderately positive and internal or moderately internal attribution.The pupils experience success at school when they are taught by teachers characterized by positive or moderately positive and internal or moderately internal attribution. It is obvious that the teacher’s causal attribution style is highly important for the efficiency of a teenager with special needs. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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