Sofija Čiurlionienė-Kymantaitė - lietuvių visuomenės veikėja tarptautinėje erdvėje

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Sofija Čiurlionienė-Kymantaitė - lietuvių visuomenės veikėja tarptautinėje erdvėje
Alternative Title:
Sofija Čiurlionienė-Kymantaitė - Lithuanian public figure in the international arena
In the Journal:
Lyčių studijos ir tyrimai. 2012, 10, p. 8-16
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio tikslas - sužadinti akademinį susidomėjimą visuomenine, ypač tarptautine Sofijos Čiurlionienės- Kymantaitės veikla ir atkreipti dėmesį į gilesnių studijų reikalaujančius šio tyrimų objekto aspektus. Straipsnyje remiamasi Čiurlionienės laiškais, atsiminimais, publikuota tarptautinių moterų organizacijų, kurių veikloje Čiurlionienė dalyvavo, kongresų medžiaga, Jungtinių tautų bibliotekos Ženevoje Tautų Sąjungos archyvų fondais ir Tautų Sąjungos Asamblėjų protokolais, kitų tyrinėtojų publikacijomis. Daroma išvada, kad visuomeninėje moterų judėjimo veikloje, kaip ir kituose savo darbo srityse, Čiurlionienė stengėsi būti progresyvi, atvira naujoms idėjoms ir jas diegti Lietuvoje. Nors į tarptautinius moterų organizacijų ir Tautų Sąjungos posėdžius deleguota kaip Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės atstovė ir lojali savo valstybei, Čiurlionienė buvo atvira kitoms įtakoms, savarankiškai mąstanti ir veikianti Lietuvos moterų atstovė, ginanti savo įsitikinimus Lietuvoje ir Tautų Sąjungoje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Moterų judėjimas; Sufražizmas; Tautų Sąjunga; Čiurlionienė-Kymantaitė; League of Nations; Lithuania; Suffragism; Women movement; Čiurlionienė-Kymantaitė.

ENSofija Čiurlionienė-Kymantaitė was a Lithuanian art and literary critic, writer of poetry and prose, playwright, publicist, teacher, public figure, member of Lithuanian and international women's movement, and a Lithuanian delegate to the League of Nations in 1929-1931 and 1935-1938. In popular Lithuanian imagination she is primarily known as the beloved and wife of the famous 20th century Lithuanian artist and composer Mykalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis. This paper explores Čiurlionienė's activity as a member of the Lithuanian and international women's movement and her involvement with the League of Nations. It aims at arousing an academic interest in her work. Čiurlionienė joined the Lithuanian women's movement as early as 1907 in Vilnius. She had freshly returned from Krakow where she had been studying literature and philosophy at the University of Krakow. At 21 she participated at the first Lithuanian women's congress and impressed senior and more experienced members of Lithuania's women's movement by her eloquence and sophistication. From 1915 to 1918 she headed a Lithuanian women's group in Voronezh (Russia) where the Lithuanian school she was teaching at at the time was temporarily relocated due to the war. In 1929 Čiurlionienė set up the Lithuanian branch of an international organisation "Union des Amies de la Jcune Fille" at the request of its founders in Neuchutel (Switzerland). In the same year, the Lithuanian Women's Council was established with the view to strengthen the Lithuanian women's movement and enable it to join in the activity of the international women's movement. However, the financial support of the Lithuanian Government made the Council highly dependent and restricted by it. The Government used the Council to help implement its foreign policies.In 1929 the member of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Camille Drevet visited Lithuania and invited Lithuanian women to send some representatives to the League's meeting devoted to the issues of Eastern and Central Europe in Vienna. Together with a number of other Lithuanian delegates Čiurlionienė was appointed by the Lithuanian Government and delegated as a representative of the Lithuanian State. Čiurlionienė vehemently opposed a Polish delegate on the issue of Vilnius region, which at the time was a disputed area under Polish jurisdiction. The congress unanimously adopted a plan of action. This suggests, that Čiurlionienė successfully played her role as a facilitator in Lithuania's foreign policy. She was therefore further sent to the 6th International Congress of the Women 's International League for Peace and Freedom in Prague later that year as well as being appointed as a member of the Lithuanian delegation to the General Assembly of the League of Nations in Geneva. Her further appointments as a Lithuanian delegate to the League of Nations suggests, that she handled both tasks well. The fact that in the "Resolutions of the Prague Congress of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom" her name features in the list of referents at the League of Nations, suggests that within the Women 's International League for Peace and Freedom Čiurlionienė represented Lithuanian women and the interests of the Lithuanian State and at the League of Nations she simultaneously represented the Lithuanian State and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. It was the President of Lithuania, Antanas Smetona, who asked her to be a member of the Lithuanian delegation at the League of Nations in 1929. [...]. [From the publication]

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