Apie prielaidas neveikti lobistinės veiklos teisiniam reglamentavimui Lietuvoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Apie prielaidas neveikti lobistinės veiklos teisiniam reglamentavimui Lietuvoje
Alternative Title:
On preconditions for non-operation of legal regulation of lobbying in Lithuania
In the Journal:
Teisės problemos. 2011, Nr. 3 (73), p. 77-100
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama, kodėl praktikoje realiai neveikia Lietuvos Respublikos lobistinės veiklos įstatymas ir kai kuriuose kituose teisės aktuose įtvirtintos su lobistinės veiklos reguliavimu susijusios nuostatos. Trumpai pristatoma teisinio lobistinės veiklos reglamentavimo genezė Lietuvoje, šią specifinę veiklą reglamentuojančiam įstatymui kelti tikslai. Aptariamas neadekvatus lobistinės veiklos užsakovo ir lobisto statusą turinčią subjektų įtvirtinimas. Parodoma, kaip ir kodėl neveikia socialinių santykių reguliavimui būdingas „rimbo ir meduolio“ metodas. Trumpai apibūdinami galiojančio teisinio reglamentavimo užprogramuoti faktiniai oficialiojo lobizmo mastai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Administracija; Advokatai; Interesų grupė; Lobistas; Lobistinė veikla; Lobizmas; Seimas; Teisinis reguliavimas; Vyriausybė; Administration; Advocate; Government; Interest group; Legal regulation; Lobby; Lobbying; Lobbyist; Saimas.

ENAim of the article is to evaluate why the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Lobbying Activities and the provisions related to it are not implemented in practice. For this purpose the article assesses the officially declared aims of the regulation of lobbying activities, discusses the establishment of clients of lobbying activities and subjects holding the status of a lobbyist, as well analyses the ways and reasons for failure to apply the method of "whip and honey cake" inherent to the regulation of social relations, shortly describes the actual volume of the official lobbying determined by the legal regulation in effect. The main problem of the law has been pre-programmed already during the procedure of the preparation and the deliberation of the draft law, as the creators thereof steeped in the search of a mystical "ideal model" in legal systems which had already implemented it, first of all, the law of the United States of the America. Upon the evaluation of the Law on Lobbying Activities taking into account the genuine purpose of it (to satisfy the formal need of bureaucratic process of the European Union and the compliance of the criteria for the aimed membership of the European Union) it becomes obvious that the drafted law even failed to have sufficient preconditions to be operating.The formality and triviality of adoption of the Law is clearly understood from the fact that it was adopted in a notably short term: only two months passed from the submission to the adoption (the draft law was registered within the Secretariat of the Plenary Session of the Seimas on 27 April 2000, and was adopted on 27 June of the same year). The circumstances mentioned allow to formulate some insights. First of all, in accordance with the Law on Lobbying Activities adopted in 2000, the lobbying activity following the pattern of the United States was regulated as a sui generis type of business, failing to regulate the problematic aspect of this activity - the process of influence-making. Meanwhile, the declared aims were in fact opposite - the regulation (the establishment and making transparent) of actual activities instead of creation of field and type of business. In this sense it is natural that the real lobbying activity upon the adoption of the law and after more than a decade from the coming into effect has remained beyond the field of action. As well, a new legal form of business in fact has not emerged. [...]. [From the publication]

1392-1592; 2351-6364
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