Amicus curiae institutas užsienio šalių ir tarptautinėje teisėje: (dis)kvalifikuojantys požymiai ir gretimi institutai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Amicus curiae institutas užsienio šalių ir tarptautinėje teisėje: (dis)kvalifikuojantys požymiai ir gretimi institutai
Alternative Title:
Amicus curiae in foreign legal systems and international law: analysis of (dis)qualifying features and related legal phenomena
In the Journal:
Teisės problemos. 2011, Nr. 2 (72), p. 5-38
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariami kai kurie Lietuvoje vis dar menkai žinomo amicus curiae instituto aspektai. Trumpai (šiame etape daugiausia netiesiogiai – pateikiant įvairių pavyzdžių) apibūdinamas šio instituto paplitimas, pristatomi pagrindiniai amicus curiae bruožai užsienio šalių ir tarptautinėje teisėje. Aptariama subjektų, atliekančių šį vaidmenį, įvairovė, analizuojama, kuo amicus curiae skiriasi nuo šalių, byloje dalyvaujančių trečiųjų asmenų, ekspertų ar liudytojų. Trumpai apibūdinamas amicus curiae ir lobistinės veiklos santykis. Straipsnis sumanytas kaip pirmasis straipsnių ciklo elementas. Kituose straipsniuose numatoma analizuoti šio teisinio instituto taikymo apimtį ir praktiką užsienio šalyse bei tarptautinėje teisėje, jo funkcijas (t. y. kokias problemas jis padeda ar bent potencialiai galėtų padėti spręsti), taip pat jo perspektyvas Lietuvoje. [Iš leidinio]

ENArticle deals with some aspects of amicus curiae, phenomenon which is almost unknown in Lithuanian positive law and its jurisprudence. The article presents the spread of this legal phenomenon (at this stage mostly indirectly by giving examples on its various aspects) and its basic elements in legal systems of different foreign countries as well as in international law. A variety of different amicus players is being discussed alongside with analysis on their differences from parties to the dispute, interveners, experts and witnesses. A characterisation of interaction between amicus curiae and lobbying is provided as well. It is possible to analyse the amicus curiae in different aspects: social, legal, political, cultural, etc. But it seems that one of the most advantageous possible manifestations of amicus curiae in Lithuania could be connected with enhanced openness of the Court. This instrument seems to be quite universal, simple, cheap and effective in the sense of enhanced democracy and civil society. Unfortunately the institution of amicus curiae and possibilities to use it hasn‘t been broadly discussed in Lithuanian yet. Thus the article aims to give some comparative and analytical presuppositions as much as to make some kind of introduction for such a discussion in Lithuania.At the sight of various jurisdictions it is obvious that the concept of amicus curiae is manifold and its certain elements may have significant differences. On the other hand it should be remarked that legal regulation of this form of involvement to the judicial process is rather poor or doesn’t exist at all (depending on certain jurisdiction). It looks like a paradox to see that even in United States of America – legal system where amicus curiae is supposed to be most widely used – this legal phenomenon has no strict and clear regulation, neither in the sense of statutes, nor in the sense of common law; to make it clear even today courts do demonstrate contrary positions in some important aspects. However the lack of regulation and the interrelated lack of legal clarity (at least in some aspects) of the legal institute of amicus curiae should not be seen as a shortcoming only, for it also creates wider possibilities for versatility in gap filling and problem solving during the judicial process. [...]. [From the publication]

1392-1592; 2351-6364
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2018-09-18 16:53:30
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