Kai kurie jaunesniųjų moksleivių vertybinių santykių su gamta ypatumai

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kai kurie jaunesniųjų moksleivių vertybinių santykių su gamta ypatumai
Alternative Title:
Some peculiarities of valuable relations with nature by junior schoolchildren
In the Journal:
Gamtamokslinis ugdymas [GU] [Natural Science Education]. 2004, Nr. 10, p. 46-75
Summary / Abstract:

LTVertybinių santykių su gamta ugdymas - viena aktualiausių bendrojo ugdymo sričių. Straipsnyje analizuojami jaunesniųjų moksleivių (IV ir V klasių) vertybinių santykių su gamta ugdymo ypatumai. Apžvelgiami Lietuvoje atlikti tyrimai šiuo klausimu. Pamatinė tyrimo idėja - gamtos žinios lemia labai svarbų asmenybės bruožą - ekologinę kultūrą. Kuo jaunesnio mokyklinio amžiaus vaikams suformuojami ekologinės kultūros pagrindai, tuo geriau ir teisingiau suvokiamas žmogaus ir gamtos santykis. Šiuo laikotarpiu skverbimasis į gamtos paslaptis ypač žadina interesą, sukeliantį teigiamas emocijas. Tyrime dalyvavo 614 respondentų. Tyrimas atliktas 2003 metų sausio-gegužės mėnesiais. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Gamtamokslinis ugdymas; Pagrindine mokykla; Pagrindinė mokykla; Pradinė mokykla; Vertybiniai santykiai; Basic school; Nature science education; Nature science education, valuable relations, primary school, basic school; Primary school; Value based relations.

ENA man as a bio-social being is closely connected with both nature and society. Most famous classic educators emphasized the importance of nature in the process of forming and developing features of a personality. In the XX century the evolution of countries, oriented to the development of technology, production and consumption, governed global ecological crisis. Nowadays the following tendency dominates: nature is considered as a technocratic, urbanistic, pragmatic value, on object of technology, which is manipulated in the process of science and technology progress. Such negative attitudes of society have impact on the younger generations. Facts about children presented by statistics show cruelty, disrespect for animals, misunderstanding and inability to behave in natural surroundings. Thus, one of relevant problems today - moral problems of a man regarding his relations with nature. The task of a school is to neutralize the mentioned negative influence, develop positive, valuable relations between a child and nature. A period in a primary school is especially appreciative" - the child's relations with the world are just forming. It is the most favorable time to develop environmental and valuable attitudes: schoolchildren of form 4 finish primary school, schoolchildren of form 5 begin to study in secondary school.The aim of the research - to investigate the state of valuable relations with nature and prospects in forms 4 and 5.614 schoolchildren (371 from form 4 and 243 from form 5) participated in the research. The basis of the research is organized according to the principle of a serial (bouquet). The main conclusions of the research: -it was preliminary determined that the dominating interface of schoolchildren and nature is aesthetic-cognitive. Ethical and pragmatic attitudes are slightly expressed. Unfortunately, the ethical attitude is weakly expressed more schoolchildren of form 5 than of form 4 consider various activities related to nature and ecology as unimportant. The pragmatic attitude is more characteristic to the respondents of form 5 rather than of form 4. [Text from author]

1648-939X; 2669-1140
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