Ugdomoji sąveika ugdymo dalyvių psichikos ypatumų aspektu

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ugdomoji sąveika ugdymo dalyvių psichikos ypatumų aspektu
In the Journal:
Kultūra - Ugdymas - Visuomenė. 2010, Nr. 3, p. 16-21
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje keliami probleminiai klausimai: kodėl Lietuvos švietimo sistemoje nerealizuojama mokymosi paradigma? Kaip būtų galima pagreitinti perėjimą prie mokymosi paradigmos per tarpinę sąveikos paradigmą? Ar yra galimybė sąveikos paradigmą praturtinti ne vien interaktyviais mokymo (si) metodais, bet taip pat gilesniu mokinio psichinių reiškinių pažinimu ir tuo pačiu geresniu jo besiformuojančios asmenybės supratimu? Straipsnio tikslas – susisteminti sąveikos paradigmos tema parašytus Lietuvos edukologų darbus ir atskleisti sąveikos paradigmos taikymo papildomas galimybes. Tikslui pasiekti keliami uždaviniai: apibūdinti ugdomąją sąveiką; apibrėžti pagilintą ugdomosios sąveikos sampratą remiantis šiame straipsnyje aptariamais tyrimais. Nustatyta, kad sąveikos samprata kito nuo komunikacijos (santykių, bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo tarp pedagogo ir ugdytinių) iki dvasinio pakilimo būsenos tarp jų atsiradimo. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Interaktyvūs metodai; Mokinio pažinimas; Pedagogo ir mokinio sąveika; Pedagogo meistriškumas; Sąveikos paradigma; Interaction between pedagogue and schoolchild; Interaction paradigm; Interactive methods; Mastership of the pedagogue; Recognition of the schoolchild.

ENAim of the article is to systemize the papers of Lithuanian educational scientists on this theme and to reveal the additional possibilities of application of interaction paradigm. The following tasks are set in order to reach the aim: to describe the conception of educational interaction as feedback which arise during pedagogical influence; to define the deepened conception of educational interaction based on the researches discussed in this paper. Research method: analysis of scientific literature. The project reveals that educational interaction is specific phenomena of reality which shall be recognized, revealed and applied (B. Bitinas, 1990). This is transitional moment from teaching paradigm to learning paradigm. This is preparation of the personality for self-help when a person assesses himself / herself and his / her possibilities and sets for himself / herself the direction of development; determines the educational aims for himself / herself; finds the proper methods and means; expands his / her knowledge when reaching the goal and not only enriches the knowledge by true-life experience but also develops the methods of acting in environment and expands his / her possibilities adaptation (R. Baublienė, P. Jucevičienė, 1998).Though the teachers strive to work in compliance with the learning paradigm (provides consultations for schoolchildren, allow schoolchildren to display their capabilities and to be more creative), but teachers still things that schoolchildren are not ready for such approach. But schoolchildren say that they want to be responsible for their learning by themselves and are enough creative and can learn independently (learning paradigm), though, according to the opinion of schoolchildren, the teachers still work in traditional (teaching) paradigm. Such "misunderstanding" allows the conclusion that interaction paradigm is a compromise which is significant when making the political solution of Lithuanian education (R.Čiužas, 2007) The communicational teaching / learning methods; stimulation of schoolchild's curiosity and willingness to discuss; teacher's ability to keep the equal interaction with schoolchild, what allows to release the teacher from the authoritarian style of leading and unconditional implementation of social order, are significant. Therefore the educational interaction can be understood as mutual conceiving and understanding among the participants of the interaction through their individual characteristics, attitudes and conditions, and as continuous sequence of pedagogical situations; and in both cases the interaction is an event when its participants will recognize and understand each other so that particular condition of exaltation will occur. [...]. [From the publication]

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