Mąstymo erdvė. Jos panaudojimas ugdant

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mąstymo erdvė. Jos panaudojimas ugdant
Alternative Title:
Space of thinking. It's use in education
In the Journal:
Tiltai [Bridges] [Brücken]. 2000, Nr. 1 (10), p. 85-89
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aprašomas mąstymo erdves modelis, pasirėmus šiuo modeliu bandomos spręsti mąstymo ugdymo didaktinės problemos, t.y. stengiamasi suderinti mąstymo atskleidimą, jo lavinimą, automatizavimą bei kompetenciją. Išlaikoma mąstymo kaip kontinuumo samprata. Teiginiai iliustruojami daugiausiai gimtosios kalbos didaktikos pavyzdžiais. Apžvelgiamas mąstymo ugdymo tyrimas, atliktas 6 klasės lietuvių kalbos pamokose. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Gimtosios kalbos didaktika; Mąstymo erdvė; Mąstymo ugdymas; Development of thinking; Didactic of the native language; Didactics of mother language; Space of thinking; Thinking space.

ENThe field of man's spirit in which his thinking operates makes the space of thinking. The article presents a description of a thinking space model by which an attempt is made to combine different qualities of the development of thinking. Some results of the research into the development of thinking are presented. In the process of thinking, man reveals or uses ways of thinking (e.g., operations), going deeper into the field analyzed (e.g. a problem), shaping or making. Use of already shaped abilities on which his competence is based. Thinking that contributes to finding new thinking operations, mastering strategies and ways of thinking is developed in one way; change of teaching methods and techniques, unusual tasks for learners (the width aspect of space of thinking) suit best for this purpose. Thinking that contributes to going deeper into the material already mastered, learning to reflect it to solve problems that arise, finding information about the elements of the system not fully understood yet (e.g. intermediate elements) is developed in another way. The tier method is applicable here. Were, when a usual task is given to the manipulative material of the exercise becoming increasingly complex), the exercise method when conditions are created to go deeper into the field investigated, the problem and discussion methods arc-used (the depth aspect of the space of thinking). Thinking that contributes to the formation of abilities and to their automation is again developed in a different way.Usual tasks without variations and keeping mainly 'on the same level of complexity are most suitable here (the height aspect of the space of thinking). Different educational systems set different priorities in the development of thinking: the academic trend prioritized the height, pragmatically - the depth and reformers - the width aspects. In fact, in order to educate harmonious man all the three aspects are vital: the width (best developed at kindergartens and primary school), the depth (at basic school) and the height (esp. in gymnasiums, in profiled teaching). The model of the space of thinking presented in the article was tried out during lessons of the native language in the 6th forms. The experiment proved the efficiency of the development of thinking on the basis of this model. [Text from author]

1392-3137; 2351-6569
2018-12-17 10:48:28
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