Bloga akis šiuolaikinėje Lietuvoje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Bloga akis šiuolaikinėje Lietuvoje
Alternative Title:
Evil eye in contemporary Lithuania
In the Journal:
Liaudies kultūra. 2012, Nr. 5, p. 54-59
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio objektas - blogos akies kompleksas šiuolaikinėje Lietuvoje. Tikslas - blogos akies komplekso šiuolaikinės raiškos sampratos apibrėžimas, blogos akies tyrinėjimų būklės, tolesnių tyrimų aktualumo bei perspektyvų analizė. Analitinis aprašomasis metodas. Straipsnis grindžiamas 2000-2012 metų autorės ir jos pagalbininkų atliktais lauko tyrimais. Išvados straipsnio pabaigoje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Akis; Bloga akis; Blogis; Nužiūrėjimas; Papročiai; Tikėjimai; Contemporary; Customs; Evil; Evil eye; Eye; Faiths; Lithuania.

ENThe object of the article - the evil eye complex in contemporary Lithuania. The purpose - definition of the modern expressions of the evil eye complex, the state of evil eye research, further research relevance and prospective analysis. This article is based on 2000-2012 field research conducted by the author and her associates. They suggest that, in spite of urbanization, medical breakthroughs and scientific advances, the evil eye actively participates in modern Lithuanian life; it is not a relic of traditional rural culture, characterized by poorly-educated elderly people. Neither higher education nor a prestigious profession prevents people from fostering the idea of the evil eye, from fearing it, and avoiding the evil eye. On the other hand, a good education, prestigious profession and high-level responsibilities prevent speaking publically about the evil eye. This topic of conversation is quite dangerous, since it can compromise someone. However, many complainants believe that the evil eye is a real and scary phenomenon, within which lies a large, mysterious and dangerous power. Neither age nor education nor profession directly affect the evil eye complex. However, the idea of the evil eye is more intensely highlighted by women. They were previously more aware of the harmful power of the eye and are more knowledgeable about it. Compared to men, women are the more active constructors of the evil eye complex. It would be worthwhile exploring the evil eye complex in the context of evil. This study's perspective right now seems more favourable and productive. [From the publication]

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