Veiklos koordinavimo reikšmė specialiosios pedagoginės pagalbos efektyvumui ugdant heterogenines moksleivių grupes

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Veiklos koordinavimo reikšmė specialiosios pedagoginės pagalbos efektyvumui ugdant heterogenines moksleivių grupes
Alternative Title:
Importance of coordinating activities for the effectiveness of pedagogical help in educating heterogenous groups of students
In the Journal:
Specialusis ugdymas [Special Education]. 2004, Nr. 1 (10), p. 39-48
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama vienos moksleivių, turinčių specialiųjų poreikių, ugdymo bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje dimensijų - specialiosios pedagoginės pagalbos organizavimo - problema. Tyrimu vertinama jos teikėjų veiklos koordinavimo reikšmė ugdymo efektyvumui. Ugdant heterogenines moksleivių grupes, susitinka skirtingą kompetenciją turintys pedagogai, kurie sprendžia tą patį uždavinį, siekia garantuoti kokybišką ugdymą kiekvienam moksleiviui atsižvelgdami į individualius poreikius. Tyrimo, atlikto penkiose bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose, rezultatai rodo, kad vadybinė veiksmų koordinavimo ir komunikacijos funkcija, vadovų įsitraukimas į moksleivių, turinčių specialiųjų poreikių, ugdymą lemia švietimo paslaugų, reglamentuojamų teisiniuose aktuose, kokybę visiems moksleiviams. Apibendrinus tyrimų rezultatus, formuluojama išvada, jog specialiosios pagalbos efektyvumą ir paslaugų gausumą lemia ne tiek skirtingų sričių specialistai, kiek bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo kokybė. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bendradarbiavimo būdai; Heterogeninės grupės; Institucinės paramos teikėjai; Lietuvos mokykla; Profesinės funkcijos ir vaidmenys; Specialioji pedagoginė pagalba; Specialus ugdymas; Specialūs poreikiai; Veiklos koordinavimas; Activity coordination; Co-ordination of actions; Heterogeneous groups; Institutional help providers; Lithuanian school; Modes of collaboration; Professional functions and roles; Special education; Special educational support; Special needs.

ENThis article deals with the problem of the effectiveness of special help providers' activity in an ordinary school. The aim of the research is to reveal the importance of coordinating the activity of special help providers for the effectiveness of educating heterogeneous groups. The groups of special help providers from five ordinary schools where 188 pupils with limited activity possibilities are taught as well as groups of special pedagogical help providers, special pedagogues, speech therapists, psychologists and social pedagogues took part in the research. The methods of scientific literature analysis and questionnaire survey as well as qualitative phenomenological investigation were employed in the research. The results show that special help providers pay different amount of attention to the activity that is used to realize this function. In the first school the coordinative - communicative function was exposed in the activities of social pedagogue, in the second school it was presented in the work of social and special pedagogues. In the third school this function is not characteristic to the activity of any specialist. The fourth and fifth schools stood out significantly from this point of view. Communication and action co-ordination are characteristic to the activity of all special pedagogical help providers. The gathered data show that the pedagogues of the first, the second and the third schools emphasize the imperfections in the results of some students with special needs. The data gathered in the fourth and the fifth schools did not reveal any difficulties in education.It is worth noting that in the schools where the coordinative - communicative function was not exposed in the work of specialists, the imperfection was revealed in fulfilling namely those special needs that could be dealt with in a community, not individual activity with the specialists. Purposeful activity of fulfilling personal needs of the students goes on in these meetings. Proper choice of educational methods for students with special needs is discussed in meetings with the special pedagogue, whereas in meetings with the social pedagogue the organization of preventive activity for children, assigned to a group of risk, is discussed. Connections of purposeful constructive communication between a psychologist and a social pedagogue, a psychologist and a special pedagogue, special and social pedagogues have been found in the second school. Speech therapist is the most passive in this communicative chain. His communication is limited to work in special education commission. In the third school, the co-operation is reflected only in the couples of psychologist and special pedagogue or speech therapist and special pedagogue. No connections with any specialists have been discovered in the activity of social pedagogue, as well as no common activity between psychologist and speech therapist has been noticed. In the fourth school, constructive, communication connections have been revealed among all the specialists. They all meet every week, look for common solutions or consult each other, discuss and inform each other bearing in mind the specific need of a student and the competence of the specialists. The analysis of the activity of special pedagogical help providers in the fifth school revealed communicative connections among all the specialists.Concluding the results of the research, the fourth and fifth schools are singled out as co-operating schools. It is interesting to note that in these schools coordinative - communicative function came to light in the activity of every specialist. One of the aims of the research was to find out the place the principle of the school occupies in the cooperative chain of special pedagogical help providers, considering the fact that the post enables the principle to perform the role of coordinator and take responsibility for the specialists' role distribution. It has been established that in the cooperating schools (IV and V) all the specialists perform direct intensive communication with the principles. The activity analysis shows that in these schools the principles are very active in solving the problems of students with special needs. In the first, second and third schools there was discovered systematic interest of the principles in the education of children with special needs. In these schools only social pedagogues maintain constant communication with the principles. The analysis of education results shows that flexible groups of specialists suitable for solving various problems, arising in the process of education, are beginning to form in the co-operating schools. These groups are capable to compensate the actions of other specialists that have not been properly performed or to take on the duties of a missing specialist. The participation of the principle as a coordinator has an extremely important role in the formation of such groups. In co-operating schools all children with special needs receive all legally regulated services even in such cases when some of the required specialists are missing in the co-operative chain (school V). [Text from author]

1392-5369; 2424-3299
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