Darbuotojų vertinimo įtaka organizacijos mokymuisi laisvalaikio sporto klubuose

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Darbuotojų vertinimo įtaka organizacijos mokymuisi laisvalaikio sporto klubuose
In the Journal:
Ekonomika ir vadyba [Economics and management]. 2012, Vol. 17, no. 4, p. 1357-1364
Summary / Abstract:

LTOrganizacija, norėdama išlikti konkurencinga, privalo nuolat mokytis ir kaupti žinias. Organizacijos mokymasis, nors ir nėra tapatus individualiam, tačiau glaudžiai susijęs su individualiu mokymusi. Straipsnio tikslas – nustatyti darbuotojų vertinimo įtaką organizacijos mokymuisi laisvalaikio sporto klubuose. Straipsnyje išskirti individualių vertinimo metodų privalumai ir trūkumai bei komandinių vertinimo metodų privalumai ir trūkumai. Alytaus laisvalaikio sporto klubuose dažniausiai taikomi komandiniai (struktūrizuoti) vertinimo metodai labiau įtakoja atliktų darbų analizę organizacijoje, nei individualūs (aprašomieji) metodai. Taikant komandinius ir individualius vertinimo metodus žinios darbe labiau taikomos praktiškai, nei išreiškiamos žodžiais, skaičiais, simboliais. Atliekant komandinį vertinimą organizacijoje, labiau ryškėja besimokančios organizacijos bruožai, nei įvertinus sąsają tarp bruožų, labiausiai atitinkančių organizaciją ir priimtiniausių mokymąsi skatinančių veiksnių. Nors ir skirtingu intensyvumu, bet visi nagrinėti veiklos vertinimo aspektai įtakoja organizacinį darbuotojų mokymąsi, o ypatingai komandiniai darbuotojų veiklos vertinimo metodai. Alytaus laisvalaikio sporto klubuose dažniausiai veiklos vertinimo funkciją atlieka tiesioginis vadovas, tačiau trūksta žinių pateikimo apie vertinimo kriterijus darbuotojams. Vertinimas dažniausiai atliekamas komandiniame lygmenyje specialiųjų metodų pagalba, tačiau neatmetami ir individualūs metodai, todėl vertinimo metodą reikėtų pasirinkti kiekvienam laisvalaikio sporto klubui individualiai.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Darbuotojų vertinimas; Organizacijos mokymasis; Laisvalaikio klubai; Sporto klubas; Employees’ evaluation; Organizational learning; Sports clubs; Leisure clubs.

ENRecently the scientists (Stewart (2001), Phillips (2003), Aksu and Özdemir (2005); Senge, 2008) analyzing the concept of the organization in the process learning give great attention to the consideration of means of organization activity improvement and possibilities of competitive ability increase. One of the most significant possibilities of activity improvement is the evaluation of employees’ activity. Therefore it is very important to ascertain what relation there is between evaluation of employees and organizational learning. Objective of the research – to determine the influence of employees’ evaluation on organizational learning at leisure and sports clubs. Methods used: analysis of scientific literature (in order to systematize the approach of the representatives of organization theory in the process of learning), questionnaire (managers and specialists of sports clubs of Alytus city), descriptive statistical analysis (systematizing data of questionnaire). Restrictions of the empirical research. Questionnaire was carried out one time, i.e., on February-January of 2010, and was not repeated any more. Employees, i.e. instructors of sports club of Alytus city, were questioned during the research. There were 9 leisure sports clubs fully performing their activities (22 instructors working) in Alytus city and there were 21 respondents questioned. Research results. After the analysis of questionnaire data of the employees from sports organizations, it was determined that evaluation of employees’ activity of sports organizations is performed regularly, however there is lack of knowledge presentation about evaluation criteria to employees. Team (structured) evaluation methods affect the analysis of work performed in the organization more than individual (descriptive) methods.When applying team (structured) and individual (descriptive) evaluation methods, knowledge at work is applied more practically than expressed in words, numbers and symbols. The more often employees’ activity is evaluated, the more rarely the persons being analyzed are seeking for information themselves. When performing team evaluation at the organization, the features of organization in the process of learning are more highlighted than after evaluation of the link between the features mostly corresponding to the organization, and the most acceptable factors inducing learning. Although under different intensity, all analyzed aspects of activity evaluation are influencing organizational learning of employees, especially team methods of employees’ evaluation. Usually the function of activity evaluation at leisure and sports clubs of Alytus city is performed by immediate manager. However, there is lack of knowledge presentation about evaluation criteria to the employees. This negatively affects the attitude of employees to evaluation process. Evaluation is usually carried out on a team level with the help of special methods but individual methods are not excluded either. Therefore, the evaluation method should be chosen by every sports organization individually. The positive effect of activity evaluation on the experience and knowledge control and the spread was determined. The aspects named have the influence on the results of organization activity. Therefore, a particular focus should given to the function of evaluation of employees’ activity, particularly when seeking for the increase of competitive advantage. [From the publication]

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