Vaiko veiklos tobulinimas choreografijos aspektu priešmokykliniu laikotarpiu

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vaiko veiklos tobulinimas choreografijos aspektu priešmokykliniu laikotarpiu
Alternative Title:
Choreographic aspect of the improvement of children's activities in pre-school period
In the Journal:
Tiltai [Bridges] [Brücken]. 2003, Nr. 4 (25), p. 109-113
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjamos galimybės tobulinti vaikų choreografinius įgūdžius, išsaugant visybišką poveikį jų kultūrai. Eksperimentinio mokymo proceso metu tobulinta vaikams būdinga į meninę raišką orientuota veikla, o ne pavieniai choreografiniai įgūdžiai. Tyrimas parodė tokio poveikio efektyvumą ir jo taikymo vaikams galimybes priešmokykliniu laikotarpiu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Choreografinis ugdymas; Choreografinė veikla; Choreografinės veiklos tobulhimas; Choreografinės veiklos tobulinimas; Meninė; Raiška; Vaiko meninė raiška; Artistic; Child's expression; Child's expressions; Choreographic activities; Choreographic education; Choreographic improvement of the activity; Choreography activity; Expression.

ENSo far there has been no comprehensive research on choreographic activities as a factor and component of a personality's education and as a way of developing individual culture, especially in the pre-school age. Consequently the application possibilities of choreographic activities for children's education have not been revealed. As the children of this age group have a common need of movement and distinctive activities, there appears a possibility to convey the system of choreographic elements, i. e. in such way to improve the child's activity and develop individual culture. Thus, the choreographic improvement of the child's activities is a topical pedagogical problem. The article analyses children's, who come to school, choreographic experience and possibilities to develop it in the pre-school period. The actual situation is revealed by means of the results of the pilot study, carried out in different schools of two cities. The possibilities of children's choreographic abilities are being researched in a specially set group of children from 4 to 7 years of age. Experimental teaching process lasted half a year. The system of tasks and teaching methods were assigned to influence a person's culture comprehensively. That is why the creative choreographic games, which were suitable for children's expression and encouraged it, were chosen as the methods of the project. They are based on uncomplicated system of choreographic elements. It means that it was the contribution to the improvement of the activities, characteristic to children and oriented towards expression, and not to teaching of me to the first grade, is poor and often does not соrrespond to school requirements.In the pre-school age it has to be expanded, starting from the concept of choreographic movement and finishing with the skills of performing complex steps. The experimental teaching showed that pre-school children's psycho-physical maturity is suitable for teaching significantly better quality skills of choreographic activities, acquisition of considerably better quality choreographic experience and that it is possible to seek it, retaining a child's interests, expression needs and activities, characteristic to him, i. e. preconditions for education of a personality. Based on the study results the conclusion is made that the main way of children's choreographic education is choreographic improvement of children's activities, orientated towards expression, and not special teaching of technical performance skills, based on special training exercises. This is a precondition to use children's psych-physical abilities for their choreographic education in pre-school period. [Text from author]

1392-3137; 2351-6569
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