Darbuotojų psichologinis prisitaikymas prie pokyčių organizcijoje : asmenybės bruožų svarba

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Darbuotojų psichologinis prisitaikymas prie pokyčių organizcijoje: asmenybės bruožų svarba
Alternative Title:
Employees’ psychological adjustment to changes in the organization: the importance of personality traits
In the Journal:
Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai [Management of Organizations: Systematic Research]. 2012, Nr. 61, p. 7-24
Psichologija / Psychology.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojamos darbuotojams būdingų asmenybės bruožų ir psichologinio prisitaikymo prie pokyčių organizacijoje ekonominės krizės metu sąsajos. Atskleidžiama, kokie asmenybės bruožai prognozuoja geresnį darbuotojų psichologinį prisitaikymą prie pokyčių ekonominės krizės metu. Pristatomi atlikto tyrimo rezultatai, pateikiamos išvados. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Psichologinis prisitaikymas; Asmenybės bruožai; Pokyčiai organizacijoje; Ekonominė krizė; Psychological adjustment; Personality traits; Changes in organization; Economic crisis.

ENPsychological adjustment is considered as significant variable that affects employee’s behaviour and reactions in the implementation of changes in organization. The common features of organization and individual psychological characteristics of employee lead to a better or worse psychological adjustment to changes in the organization. In the analysis of the employees’ individual reactions to changes are important personality traits that are associated with psychological adjustment to changes. Employees with different personality traits may react differently to the same situations or changes in the workplace. The purpose of this article – to assess the relationships between employees’ personality traits and psychological adjustment to economic crisis caused organizational changes. The study was conducted in 2009, a period when almost all organizations in Lithuania were affected by the economic crisis. The subjects of the study were 110 employees, 54 (40 women and 14 men) working in stock company and 56 (18 women and 38 men) working in public service. Personality traits were assessed by NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R), which consist of 240 items and measure the five personality traits: Neuroticism (Cronbach α - 0,90), Extraversion (Cronbach α – 0,88), Openness to experience (Cronbach α – 0,77), Agreeableness (Cronbach α – 0,82), and Conscientiousness (Cronbach α – 0,88). Psychological adjustment to change was identified by two scales: Reaction to Organizational Change Scale (developed 2009 by Buksnyte ir A.Ciunyte) and Coping with Organizational Change Scale (Judge et.al., 1999). Reaction to Organizational Change Scale (Cronbach α – 0,78) consists of 17 items and measures the employees’ responsiveness to the organizational changes during the economic crisis in Lithuania.Second, Coping with Organizational Change Scale (Cronbach α – 0,64) measures the response to changes and leadership in the process of changes. In block, Psychological Adjustment to Change (Cronbach α – 0,82) consist of mentioned two scales. Analysis of the findings revealed that almost all subjects felt the effect of economic crisis in their organizations. Salary reduction, worse psychological climate, staff reduction and increased workload were seen the most as the effects of economic crisis in organizations. The majority of respondents valued the changes as negative or very negative. The analysis of the relationships between the personality traits and psychological adjustment to economic crisis caused changes in the organization found that: 1) employees with higher conscientiousness and extraversion demonstrate better psychological adjustment to changes in the organization, as well as more positive response to the changes and better coping with organizational change; 2) employees with higher neuroticism demonstrate worse psychological adjustment to changes in the organization, and their respond to changes is more pessimistic; 3) higher conscientiousness and lower neuroticism has statistically significant predictable value in prediction of better psychological adjustment to change; higher conscientiousness and extraversion has statistically significant predictable value in prediction of more positive response to the changes; and lower neuroticism has statistically significant predictable value of better coping with organizational change prognosis. [From the publication]

1392-1142; 2335-8750
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2018-12-17 13:21:30
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