LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Evoliucija; Ideologija; Instinktas; Motyvacija; Motyvacija, instinktai, ideologija, evoliucija; Polinkis; Žmogaus motyvacija; Žmogaus prigimtis; Evolution; Human motivation: instinct; Human nature; Ideology; Ideology, evolution; Inclination; Instinct; Motivation; Motivation, instinct, ideology, evolution; Needs.
ENThe article from the point of view of evolutional psychology argues the understanding of an instinct as the inherited complex human motivation, expressed by basic emotions. The circumstances which long interfered such an understanding are presented. Firstly, influential ideological systems with an opinion of what should a human being be like, and trying to root this point of view into society. Secondly, biased human being's self-perception, which welcomes positive and refuses other, including instinctive, features. Thirdly, disregarding the evolutional development of an instinct, which could best explained by W. McDougall: the stimuli and reaction components of instincts mutated-became less concrete, while the emotional component survived and developed further, i. e. a behavioral instinct modified into a motivational instinct. [Text from author]