Sporto paveldas: sklaidos erdvės ir saugojimo galimybės

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Sporto paveldas: sklaidos erdvės ir saugojimo galimybės
Alternative Title:
Sport heritage: the possibilities of scattered space and protection
In the Journal:
Socialinių mokslų studijos [Societal Studies]. 2012, Nr. 4 (4), p. 1473-1486
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjamas sporto paveldas – reikšmingas kūno kultūros ir sporto tyrimo šaltinis, padedantis tikslinti, išryškinti ir konkretizuoti istorinių sporto procesų ir įvykių detales, nustatyti jų prasmę, svarbą ir reikšmę valstybės politinėje ir sociokultūrinėje raidoje. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize ir empirinio tyrimo duomenimis, apibendrinta individuali asmenų sporto paveldo kaupimo ir saugojimo patirtis, pristatytos sporto paveldo aktualizacijos ir išsaugojimo formos, nustatytos ir išryškintos pagrindinės sporto paveldo kolekcijų kaupimo tendencijos ir įvairovė lokalioje geografinėje Šiaurės Lietuvos teritorijoje. Tiriami populiariausi sklaidos būdai ir erdvės, atskleidžiamas visuomenės požiūris ir nuostatos į sporto daiktų kolekcionavimą, sisteminami sporto paveldo motyvacijos duomenys, nuostatos į kaupimo, saugojimo svarbą, disponavimo būklę, išskiriamos dažniausiai sporto paveldo kolekcijoms kylančios grėsmės. Tyrimo duomenys sisteminami, analizuojami ir aptariami kokybinės turinio analizės (angl. classic content analysis) metodu. Atlikto kokybinio tyrimo pagrindu formuluojamos išvados dėl sporto paveldo saugojimo sąlygų, sklaidos galimybių, reglamentavimo ir teisinio įforminimo. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Sporto paveldas; Sporto kolekcija; Kolekcionavimas; Sport heritage; Collection; Sport; Classic content analysis.

ENSport heritage is analyzed in the article is an important source of physical culture and sport research that helps to specify, underlie and reconstruct the details of historical sport processes and events, determining their role, sense and significance in political and social cultural development of the state. Individual experience of sport heritage collection and protection is summarized through the analysis of scientific literature and empirical research; the forms of sport heritage actualization and protection are presented. The research data has been systemized, analyzed and discussed using classic content analysis. The society’s attitude towards the collecting of sport objects is revealed in the article; the data of sport heritage motivation and attitude to the importance of collection and protection is systemized; the main tendencies of sport heritage collections saving, as well as the variety in local geographic territory, North Lithuania is determined. 275 informants (202 men and 73 women) participated in the research - citizens of Akmenė, Mažeikiai, Pakruojis, Pasvalys, Joniškis, Šiauliai, Kuršėnai, Radviliškis, Biržai regions and cities. Women formed 25,5% of respondents and men made up 74,5% of the sample. The analysis of sport heritage collecting experience showed that most frequently people collect sport trophies, prizes, documents, sport inventory or iconographical material forming the major part of valuable objects. Material prizes and sport clothes are rare in collections of sport heritage. The motives of keeping sport collections and taking care of them are usually related to a profession or a hobby; they are seldom determined by the aspects of social prestige, loyalty, curiosity, aesthetic charm and, very seldom, by comprehension of value or scientific research.The most popular ways and spaces of sport heritage scattering are studied in the article; the most usual dangers for sport heritage collections and state of disposal are determined. The category “place of scattering” demonstrates a big part of sport heritage collected specially for exposition in state institutions, non-state institutions, various educational institutions, research and study institutions, enterprises, organizations and other spaces. The possibilities of scattering of sport heritage collections are developed by private space that is frequently used for this purpose. The most frequent participants of sport collections’ scattering are coaches, teachers, sportsmen, journalists, museum workers. The most frequently used forms of sport heritage scattering are the following: radio, internet, mass media, sport events. The opinions about the dangers to sport collections are usually expressed in statements about inappropriate record and care, keeping conditions; careless keeping was indicated as one of the frequent dangers while natural disasters are one of the most seldom dangers for sport heritage collections. The conclusions concerning the needs of sport heritage, keeping the environment suitable, the state of scattering and significance of possibilities, regulation and legalization are formed basing on conducted classic content analysis. [From the publication]

2029-2236; 2029-2244
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