Nepriklausomos Lietuvos jaunimo harmoningos visuomenės tapsmo samprata

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Nepriklausomos Lietuvos jaunimo harmoningos visuomenės tapsmo samprata
Alternative Title:
Harmonious society development phenomenon in the conception of youth growing in the independent Lithuania
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2012, 107, p. 31-41
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama problema, kaip šiuolaikinis jaunimas supranta harmoningos visuomenės tapsmą, ir kokį vaidmenį šiuose procesuose prisiima sau. Problemą apmąsto trys jaunuolių grupės, turinčios skirtingą patirtį, atsižvelgiant į žmogaus veikimo galimybių įvairovę: mokiniai, besimokantys bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje kartu su mokiniais, turinčiais įvairių negalių; negalią turintys mokiniai, besimokantys bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje, ir studentai, būsimi pedagogai, neturintys bendravimo su neįgaliaisiais patirties. Jaunimo harmoningos visuomenės tapsmo sampratoje išryškėja meilės Tėvynei, laisvės, asmens galimybių kitoniškumo pripažinimo, visuotinai pripažintų vertybių eksplikavimo, aktyvumo visuomenėje idėjos. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Harmoninga visuomenė; Laisvė; Neįgalumą turintis asmuo; Pagalba; Vertybės; Harmonious society; Assistance; Freedom; Person with disability; Values.

ENThe article looks into how young people having different experience in terms of the variety of a person's abilities and growing in the independent Lithuania perceive the harmonious society development phenomenon and what roles they attribute to themselves in these processes. Pupils with and without disabilities learning at an ordinary school that implements inclusive (integrated education) policy as well as students of Educational Sciences who do not have any practical experience in the relationships with people with disabilities or have had random encounters with them were invited to participate in the research. [...] The results of the research allow generalizing that two factors causing fundamental influence on interpersonal harmony expression prevail in the youth conception of a harmonious society development: 1) the state as a political construct regulating relationships within society; 2) an individual creating harmony or disharmony in the community through his/her actions. The harmonious society development conception of pupils with disabilities learning in general classrooms of ordinary schools show a clear extraversion, openness to the environment and willingness to act in it. [...] The pupils distinguish the following activity directions of society towards interpersonal harmony: exploiting independence of the state as the main precondition for the creation of overall good; the responsibility of the state as an organization to guarantee living conditions ensuring dignified existence for its people; concealing hardly changeable situations [...]; the existence of schools open to pupils with various possibilities as a guarantee for a harmonious society since harmonious co-existence in the context of differing possibilities is learnt there.Pupils without disabilities learning in heterogeneous classrooms indicate the idea of love for one's Homeland as a particularly sensitive one in the conception of harmonious society development. [...] The insights of these pupils reveal their critical look and dialectics in the context of forming outlook that leads to deep perception of the world and oneself in it. The pupils' reasoning about harmonious society development clearly shows perception and acceptance of life contradictions: they emphasize freedom as a precondition for moral pluralism and, on the other hand, acceptance of the variety of society members is enabled; they believe in endless power of a man and, on the other hand, they acknowledge the necessity for interpersonal assistance. Academic youth, in describing their conception of a harmonious society development, put particular emphasis on the importance of the internalization of universally recognized values. In their opinion, communication with people with disabilities brings forward and demonstrates the values of responsibility and morality, which are seen as a basis for a harmonious society in the conception shared by academic youth. To their mind, the role of people with disabilities in the co-existence of a harmonious society should be realized in active work, by creating conditions for society to get acquainted with the variety of human possibilities. The students' insights allow to think that a limited acquaintance with a person's otherness may encourage the idea of segregation and feelings that shape unequal interpersonal relationships. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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