Kauno regiono gyventojų turizmo produktų pasirinkimą lemiantys veiksniai

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kauno regiono gyventojų turizmo produktų pasirinkimą lemiantys veiksniai
In the Journal:
Ekonomika ir vadyba [Economics and management]. 2012, Vol. 17, no. 3, p. 936-943
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiandien sparčiai plečiasi ir klesti turizmas. Straipsnio tikslas – ištirti Kauno regiono gyventojų turizmo produktų pasirinkimą lemiančius veiksnius. Turizmo sektorius Lietuvoje turi didelį augimo potencialą, todėl siekiant jį labiau išnaudoti, šalies prioritetai turėtų būti viešojo turizmo infrastruktūros sukūrimas, turizmo paslaugų kokybės ir įvairovės gerinimas, turizmo informacijos ir rinkodaros paslaugų plėtojimas. Lietuva kaip naujas turistinis regionas dar neturi suformavusi savito turistinio įvaizdžio ir lieka nežinoma Vakarų šalių turistams, o Lietuvos turizmo paslaugos neišvystytos nei kiekybiniu, nei kokybiniu atžvilgiu, kas mažina Lietuvos turizmo produktų konkurencines galimybes. Apibendrinant anketine apklausa paremto tyrimo rezultatus, matyti, kad pagrindiniai Kauno regiono gyventojų keliavimo tikslai yra gamtos, kultūros, tradicijų pažinimas bei nuotykių, emocingų įspūdžių patyrimas. Kauno regiono gyventojų tarpe svarbiausi veiksniai, lemiantys sprendimą laisvalaikiu keliauti, yra patirti įspūdžiai ir finansinės galimybės, taip pat vyrų tarpe išskiriamas kokybiškas kelionės organizavimas, o tuo tarpu moterims aktualesnis palankus kainos ir kokybės santykis. Tyrimas, kurio metu buvo siekiama sužinoti, kokie veiksniai lemia Kauno regiono gyventojus rinktis tam tikrus turizmo produktus, parodė, kad daugiausia dominuoja tokie veiksniai kaip kaina, pasirinkimo galimybės, tam tikrų turizmo produktų ir paslaugų įvairovė. Be to, svarbu paminėti, kad turizmo produktų pasirinkimo veiksnių svarba priklauso nuo to, kokia turizmo forma yra pasirenkama.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Turizmo produktas; Konkurencingumas; Tourism products; Competitiveness.

ENArticle analyses the factors that determine the population of Kaunas region to choose tourism products. The business of travel is quite new in Lithuania. It started developing in 1991 when the country first joined the travel and recreation industry of Europe and the world. This business in Europe is developing rapidly. It attracts large sums of money; therefore, the development of recreation not only creates a lot of interest among people, but it also makes countries involved in it more attractive to travellers. Europeans are especially fond of travelling in the continent and that should make Lithuania more attractive destination in this sector in the future. The potential of travel and recreation in the EU is enormous. Every country in the EU wants to become desirable and attract the biggest possible flows of travellers. Europe boasts of two thirds of all worlds’ travel business and it is hoped that in several decades the volumes of tourists would double there. Today the countries that attract most tourists are: France, Spain, USA, Italy and China. It is interesting to note that according to the income, generated from the business, are as follows, number one: USA with 80 billion Euros per year, second: Spain with 37 billion Euros per year with France, Italy and China to follow. According to Luigi Cabrini (WTO representative), 58% of all worlds tourists go to Europe. This number varies, because of new spots always opening to tourists; an example can be Asian destinations. However, it does not mean that there are less tourists headed to Europe. Travel business is not only one of main income generating fields, but it also creates jobs, promotes social development, distributes income and reduces poverty.Development of travel presents some challenges to the cities, for example preserving of nature, cultural heritage, preserving social infrastructure and also making sure cultural values are sustained. Therefore competitive advantages in today's travel industry become important segments of the business in managing the flow of tourists and the whole travel industry. The quality of tourism products can determine the competitiveness of enterprises of this sector and the results of their activity. In summarizing the results of the research, which are based on questionnaire, it can be said that the population of Kaunas region mostly travels to get to know nature, culture, traditions and to experience adventures and emotional impressions. The population of Kaunas region face difficulties in choosing these tourism products: transport, accommodation, museums, recreation and entertainment. The most popular tourist attractions among women in the region of Kaunas are cultural educational, recreational tourism and among men - mountain hiking, adventure and recreational tourism. The decision to travel on one's spare time (between males and females) is determined by financial factors in general, also by what experiences can be incurred. Men make their travel decisions based on the level of quality of the trip. Women choose tours based on price-service-quality ratio. After analysing the factors that determine tourism products, it can be said, that they have a big influence on the competitiveness of companies that provide same services. [From the publication]

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